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. 2023 Apr 6;270(7):3511–3526. doi: 10.1007/s00415-023-11682-6

Table 2.

Cross-sectional and longitudinal outputs for the panel of imaging metrics

Cross-sectional (Main effect: Group) Longitudinal (Interaction: Time x Group)
Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere
Esti-mate t / F-value p-value esti-mate t / F-value p-value esti-mate t / F-value p-value esti-mate t-value p-value
ALS vs. HC
 Vol  – 6.75e-5  – 1.505 0.133 n.a. n.a. n.a.  – 3.20e-5  – 1.263 0.208 n.a. n.a. n.a.
 CT  – 0.076  – 3.375 8.34e-4*  – 0.088  – 4.315 <.001*  – 0.022  – 1.686 0.093  – 6.20e-3  – 0.639 0.524
 RD  – 2.26e-5  – 1.376 0.170  – 7.63e-6  – 0.454 0.651 2.58e-5 2.030 0.044* 2.07e-5 1.626 0.105
 AD  – 7.58e-5  – 2.151 0.032*  – 4.74e-5  – 1.320 0.188 6.01e-5 2.210 0.028* 4.35e-5 1.567 0.118
 FC 0.026 1.035 0.302 0.005 0.185 0.853  – 0.048  – 2.187 0.030* 0.004 0.174 0.862
C9+ vs. C9-/HC
 Vol 9.40e-7 3.427 0.034* n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.82e-6 0.161 0.872 n.a. n.a. n.a.
 CT 0.920 14.11 <.001* 0.709 12.85 <.001*  – 0.029  – 2.040 0.042*  – 0.044  – 3.505 <.001*
 RD 9.30e-8 2.533 0.081+ 4.40e-8 1.144 0.320  – 1.56e-5  – 0.746 0.456 2.04e-8 9.75e-4 0.999
 AD 5.57e-7 3.276 0.039* 3.17e-7 1.794 0.168  – 2.72e-5  – 0.597 0.551  – 1.50e-5  – 0.325 0.745
 FC 0.050 0.599 0.550 0.006 0.079 0.924  – 0.003  – 0.074 0.941  – 0.024  – 0.651 0.515
BA/BS vs. HC (C9- patients only)
 Vol 1.03e-6 3.813 0.023* n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.80e-5 1.543 0.124 n.a. n.a. n.a.
 CT 0.300 4.707 0.010* 0.433 8.233 <.001* 0.0172 1.654 0.100+ 1.03e-4 0.011 0.991
 RD 1.65e-7 4.460 0.012* 1.18e-7 3.042 0.049*  – 3.11e-5  – 2.183 0.030*  – 3.97e-6  – 0.318 0.095+
 AD 1.03e-6 6.074 0.003* 8.01e-7 4.500 0.012*  – 6.96e-5  – 2.304 0.022*  – 5.45-e5  – 1.778 0.077+
 FC 0.076 0.905 0.406 0.043 0.507 0.603 0.048 1.961 0.051+  – 0.021  – 0.862 0.390
MRI-clinical correlations (ALSFRS-r bulbar score)
 Vol 266.22 0.361 0.7193 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.59e-05 0.809 0.421 n.a. n.a. n.a.
 CT  – 0.638  – 0.565 0.574  – 0.567 0.508 0.613  – 5.12e-4  – 0.027 0.978  – 0.012  – 0.949 0.346
 RD 1.58e3 0.868 0.389 8.18e2 0.454 0.651  – 3.14e-5  – 1.286 0.202  – 1.58e-5  – 0.578 0.565
 AD 689.01 0.808 0.422 711.43 0.843 0.402  – 5.17e-5  – 0.974 0.333  – 3.10e-5  – 0.541 0.590
 FC 1.032 0.883 0.380 -0.324  – 0.251 0.802 9.88e-4 0.022 0.982 5.57e-3  – 0.119 0.906
Receiver operating characteristics (ROC)
ROI AUC at baseline AUC at 12 months
Medulla volume 0.611 0.642
CT right 0.567 0.624
CT left 0.619 0.685
RD right 0.606 0.670
RD left 0.606 0.682
AD right 0.563 0.645
AD left 0.467 0.612
FC left 0.504 0.535
FC right 0.521 0.553

For unilateral structures, such as the medulla, relevant values are presented in the “left hemisphere” columns. For the cross-sectional comparisons “ALS vs. HC” and the “MRI-clinical correlations”, t-tests are reported; for the cross-sectional comparisons “C9 + vs. C9/HC” and “BA/BS vs. HC” we F-tests (analyses of variance) are reported. Where the F-test was significant for cross-sectional comparisons, we performed pairwise post-hoc tests. Significant post-hoc differences are indicated in Figs. 4 and 5 using asterisks. AD axial diffusivity, ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, AUC area under the curve, BA bulbar asymptomatic, defined as C9orf72 negative with spinal onset disease an no bulbar symptom at baseline, BS bulbar symptomatic, defined as C9orf72 negative patient with bulbar symptoms at baseline, C9 +  hexanucleotide repeat expansion carrier in C9orf72, C9- tested negative for hexanucleotide repeat expansions in C9orf72, CT cortical thickness, FC functional connectivity, HC healthy control, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, n.a. not applicable, RD radial diffusivity, ROC receiver operating characteristics, Vol medullary volume, +approaching significace at an alpha-level of p ≤ 0.10, *significant at an alpha-level of p ≤ 0.05