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. 2023 Jun 1;14:1209318. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1209318


Tests of between-subjects effects.

Dependent variable: Knowledge on drug-drug interactions
Source Type III sum of squares df Mean square F p-value
Corrected Model 7,898.061 a 4 1974.515 4.454 0.002
Intercept 57,023.426 1 57,023.426 128.622 <0.001
Gender 2,160.668 1 2,160.668 4.874 0.029
Years of experience 4,970.086 3 1656.695 3.737 0.013
Error 62,954.361 142 443.341
Total 285,548.469 147
Corrected Total 70,852.423 146
Parameter Estimates
Dependent variable: Knowledge on drug-drug interactions
Parameter B S.E. 95% confidence interval p-value
Lower bound Upper bound
Intercept 28.345 7.196 14.119 42.570 <0.001 a
Gender = Male 13.237 5.996 1.384 25.090 0.029 a
Years of experience = 0–5 years −2.716 5.613 −13.811 8.380 0.629
Years of experience = 6–10 years 5.892 5.225 −4.436 16.220 0.261
Years of experience = 11–15 years −9.429 5.107 −19.524 0.666 0.067

aR Squared = 0.111 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.086).


Significant using General Linear Model at <0.05 level