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. 2023 Feb 2;32(1):90–95. doi: 10.1159/000529461

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Case Sex Age, years Principal diagnosis Secondary diagnosis ASM before SC levetiracetam Co-medication SC Dose of SC levetiracetam Dose changes Seizure frequency prior to levetiracetam SC Seizure frequency during SC Reactions at injection site Duration of levetiracetam SC (days) during hospitalization Inpatient death
1 F 94 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day Hydromorphone 0.2 mg once a day, haloperidol 1 mg twice a day 500 mg twice a day None Unknown None None 6 Yes

2 F 83 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke Valproic acid 500 mg intravenous twice a day Hydromorphone 0.1 mg three times a day 500 mg twice a day None 1 seizure (semiology not described) None None 7 Yes

3 F 67 Possible nonconvulsive status epilepticus Rapidly progressive dementia (probably Creutzfeldt Jakob) Valproic acid 250 mg intravenous twice a day No 500 mg twice a day None Unknown None None 4 No

4 F 26 Structural focal epilepsy Subdural hematoma, meningitis Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day Hydromorphone 0.2 mg once a day 500 mg twice a day None 2 episodes of unknown onset and tonic clonic seizures None None 14 No

5 F 71 Nonconvulsive status epilepticus Hypothyroidism Levetiracetam 1,000 mg oral three times a day, valproic acid 500 mg oral three times a day No 1,000 mg three times a day None 1 episode of status epilepticus None None 3 Yes

6 F 78 Structural focal epilepsy Left thalamic astrocytoma Lacosamide 100 mg intravenous twice a day Hydromorphone 0.2 mg once a day, dexamethasone 8 mg once a day, hyoscine 20 mg four times a day 1,000 mg twice a day None 1 episode of status epilepticus None None 5 Yes

7 F 96 Structural focal epilepsy Alzheimer − ischemic stroke Valproic acid 500 mg intravenous twice a day Morphine 1 mg once a day, hyoscine 20 mg twice a day - 500 twice a day None 3 seizures (semiology not described) None None 1 No

8 M 70 Symptomatic seizure (hypoglycemia) SARS-CoV2 Valproic acid 500 mg intravenous twice a day, levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day Haloperidol 2 mg three times a day 500 twice a day Increase: 500 mg 2 episodes of unknown onset and tonic clonic seizures None None 3 No

9 M 50 Structural focal epilepsy Glioblastoma, small-cell PNET-like variant Phenytoin 250 mg intravenous three times a day suspended due to rash, valproic acid 250 mg oral twice a day Omeprazole 20 mg once a day 500 mg twice a day None Unwitnessed seizure None None 2 No

10 M 88 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke Valproic acid 250 mg oral twice a day, levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day No 500 mg twice a day None None None None 12 Yes

11 M 58 Structural focal epilepsy Hemorrhagic, major neurocognitive disorder Levetiracetam 1,000 mg oral twice a day No 1,000 mg twice a day None 3 seizures per month (semiology not described) None None 15 Yes

12 F 92 Structural focal epilepsy Traumatic frontal subdural hematoma, major neurocognitive disorder Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day No 1,000 mg twice a day None 1 seizure per month (semiology not described) None None 90 No

13 M 69 Structural focal epilepsy Glioblastoma Valproic acid 250 mg three times a day Morphine 1 mg twice a day 500 twice a day None 1 episode of unknown onset and tonic clonic seizure None None 30 Yes

14 F 85 Structural focal epilepsy Aneurysmatic subarachnoid hemorrhage Phenytoin 125 mg intravenous three times a day Hydromorphone 0.4 mg four times a day, hyoscine 20 mg four times a day 500 twice a day None None None None 2 Yes

15 F 94 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage Phenytoin 125 mg three times a day Piperacillin tazobactam and clarithromycin 500 mg twice a day None None None None 90 Yes

16 F 68 Structural focal epilepsy Frontotemporal dementia Phenytoin 200 mg intravenous three times a day No 500 mg twice a day None 1 seizure per month (semiology not described) None None 60 No

17 M 85 Nonconvulsive status epilepticus Prostate cancer Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day Morphine 3 mg three times a day 500 mg twice a day None Nonconvulsive status epilepticus None None 6 Yes

18 M 78 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke Parkinson disease Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day No 500 mg twice a day None 1 episode of unknown onset and tonic clonic seizure None None 30 yes

19 F 92 Structural focal epilepsy Ischemic stroke Levetiracetam 500 mg intravenous twice a day No 500 mg twice a day None 3 episodes of motor focal onset and impaired awareness seizure None None 45 No

20 F 84 Nonconvulsive status epilepticus Traumatic acute subdural hematoma, delirium Valproic acid 500 mg intravenous twice a day Morphine 2 mg three times a day 1,000 mg twice a day Due to local reactions and prognosis, levetiracetam was stopped Unknown Unknown Local edema and erythema 16 Yes

21 F 52 Structural focal epilepsy Glioblastoma multiforme Valproic acid 250 mg three times a day Morphine 2 mg four times a day 500 mg twice a day None 1 seizure (semiology not described) None None 3 No

F, female; M, male; SC, subcutaneous; PNET, primitive neuroectodermal tumor.