Figure EV1. GDH1 depletion sensitizes CRC cells to hypoxia.
AConstruction of GDH1 depleted cell lines.
BCell proliferation assay was performed using cell lines constructed in Fig S1A (n = 3).
C, DHCT116 and SW480 cells with or without GDH1 were supplemented with cell permeable methyl‐αKG under hypoxia. Then, the intracellular level of αKG was tested by αKG determination kit (C) (n = 3). Cells were collected and indicated antibodies were applied to test HIF1α, EGLN1 and GDH1 proteins (D).
EHCT116 and SW480 cells with or without GDH1 were supplemented with cell permeable methyl‐αKG under normoxia and hypoxia. Then, cell viability was counted by trypan blue staining (n = 3).
F, GHCT116 and SW480 cells with or without GDH1 were cultured under normoxia or hypoxia. Cells were collected for determining glutamate (Glu, F) and ammonia (NH4Cl, G) (n = 3).
HHCT116 were incubated with or without cell permeable octyl‐2HG under normoxia or hypoxia. Indicated antibodies were applied to test HIF1α, EGLN1 and GDH1 proteins (n = 3).
IHIF1α and GDH1 were tested by western blot in HCT116 or SW480 cells with Vec or GDH1 overexpression under normoxia and hypoxia.
JHCT116 and SW480 cells with or without GDH1 overexpression were incubated under normoxia and hypoxia, respectively. Then, cell viability was counted by trypan blue staining (n = 3).
KThe apoptotic percent of cells in Fig S1D was counted by PI/Annexing V double staining (n = 3).
LTUNEL analysis of GDH1 knockdown HCT116 cells under hypoxia. The left was the representative microscopic data, the right was the calculated relative intensity data (n = 3).
MThe overall αKG level in HCT116 or SW480 cells with or without GDH1 overexpression under normoxia and hypoxia (n = 3).
Data information: Data are mean ± SD from the biological replicates (B, C, E–H, J–M). Statistics: two‐way ANOVA with Tukey's HSD post hoc test (B, E, J); one‐way ANOVA with Tukey's HSD post hoc test (C, F–H, M); unpaired two‐tailed Student's t‐test (K, L).
Source data are available online for this figure.