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. 2023 May 31;25:e44081. doi: 10.2196/44081

Table 1.

Summary of low birthweight (LBW) prediction– and classification-related studies.

Study Data size (LBW %) Number of input features Summary of features Rebalancing method Prediction model Best performancea Identified risk factors
Previous studies with small sample sizes

Yarlapati et al [25], 2017 101 (not reported) 18 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, medical, and nutritional None Bayes minimum error rate Accuracy: 96.77%; recall: 1.0; AUROCb: 0.93 Mothers’ living community, age, and weight

Senthilkumar and Paulraj [20], 2015 189 (31.22) 11 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical None LRc, NBd, RFe, SVMf, NNg, and CTh CT—accuracy: 89.95%; recall: 0.98; AUROC: 0.94 Last weight before pregnancy, mother’s age, number of physician visits during the first trimester, and number of previous premature labors

Ahmadi et al [21]i, 2017 600 (9.5) 17 Baby: sex and delivery method; mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, medical, and nutritional None RF and LR RF—accuracy: 95%; recall: 0.72; AUROC: 0.89 Pregnancy age, BMI, and mother’s age

Desiani et al [26], 2019 219 (not reported) 6 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, and medical None NB Accuracy (for LBW group): 81.25%; recall (for LBW group): 0.72; AUROC: not reported None
Previous studies with larger sample sizes without using any rebalancing methods

Akmal and Razmy [27], 2020 2702 (not reported) 12 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical and medical None BFj tree, C4.5, RF, random tree, REPk tree, and logistic model tree C4.5—accuracy: 79.23%; recall: 1.0; AUROC: not reported None

Islam et al [28]i, 2022 2351 (16.2) 17 Baby: sex, singleton, and delivery method; mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, and medical None LR and DTl LR—accuracy: 87.6%; recall: 1.0; AUROC: 0.59 None

Borson et al [22], 2020 4498 (not reported) 9 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical and social None LR, NB, KNNm, RF, SVM, and MLPn SVM and MLP—accuracy: 81.67%; recall: 0.82; AUROC: not reported None

Faruk and Cahyono [23], 2018 12,055 (<10) 8 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical and social; fathers’ factors: social None LR and RF RF—accuracy: 93%; recall: unknown; AUROC: 0.51 Top 3 features: mother’s age, time zone, and wealth index

Eliyati et al [29], 2019 12,055 (<10) 8 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical and social; fathers’ factors: social None SVM Accuracy: 92.9%; recall: not reported; AUROC: 0.56 None
Previous studies using rebalancing methods

Loreto et al [30]i, 2019 2328 (13.45) 8 Baby: sex; mothers’ predelivery factors: physical and medical; mothers’ non-predelivery factor: gestational age Oversampling AdaBoosto, CT, KNN, NB, RF, and SVM AdaBoost—accuracy: 98%; recall: 0.91; AUROC: not reported None

Bekele [31]i, 2022 2110 (10) 25 Baby: sex and delivery method; mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, and medical SMOTEp LR, DT, NB, KNN, RF, SVM, gradient boosting, and XGBoostq RF—accuracy: 91.6%; recall: 0.92; AUROC: 0.97 Gender of the child, marriage to birth interval, mother’s occupation, and mother’s age

Khan et al [32]i, 2022 821 (10.84) 88 Mothers’ predelivery factors: physical, social, and medical; fathers’ factors: social; mothers’ non-predelivery factor: gestational age SMOTE Zero, KNN, NB, kStar, MLP, random tree, SVM, AdaBoost, LR, RF, OneR, stacking, stack, DT, and bagging LR—accuracy: 90.24%; recall: 0.90 (accuracy on LBW: 33%) Diabetes, gestational age, and hypertension

aThe performance measurements are explained in Multimedia Appendix 1 [33].

bAUROC: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.

cLR: logistic regression.

dNB: naive Bayes.

eRF: random forest.

fSVM: support vector machine.

gNN: neural network.

hCT: classification tree.

iThe study applied features from the baby side or the mothers’ non-predelivery features.

jBF: best first.

kREP: reduced error pruning.

lDT: decision tree.

mKNN: k-nearest neighbors.

nMLP: multilayer perceptron.

oAdaBoost: adaptive boosting.

pSMOTE: synthetic minority oversampling technique.

qXGBoost: extreme gradient boosting.