(A) β-arrestin 2 recruitment in the A1AR NanoBit® reporter assay by different agonists: 10 µM of either CPA, NECA, adenosine, or capadenoson was added to A1AR NanoBit®-βarr2 HEK 293 cells at the time point indicated by the arrow, and luminescence was measured for 60 min. A solvent control of 0.1% DMSO was included. The graphs are exemplary for one of four experiments performed in triplicate (see Supplementary Figure S3A for repeated experiments). Curves calculated by GraphPad prism plug-in “rise-and-fall equation” provided by Dr. Samuel Hoare are given in black. Values are given as means ± SEM. (B) β-arrestin 2 recruitment of different agonists compared to NECA is given in percent. Values are given as means ± SEM (n = 4 independent experiments performed in triplicate). **p < 0.01 value was significantly different (one-way analysis of variance, Dunnet’s post hoc) compared to capadenoson. (C) Activation phase. Initial rates calculated from the fitted curves shown in (A) are given as dashed lines.