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. 2022 Nov 18;36(3):371–374. doi: 10.1177/19714009221140486

Table 1.

Schwannoma presentatios: 5 The most common Antoni A and Antoni B.

Classic schwannoma (vestibular) Cellular schwannoma (paravertebral region)
Antoni A Antoni B Compact hypercellular Antoni A pattern areas with no Verocay bodies
Hypercellular spindle cell pattern Hypocellular myxomatous pattern High cellularity, mitotic rate suggestive of malignancy, and fascicular growth pattern
Palisading around eosinophilic areas (Verocay bodies) Presence of loose connective tissue Key to the diagnosis of hystiocytic aggregate and high expression of pericellular type IV collagen
Positive S100 protein staining Presence of cyst, hemorrhage, fatty degeneration, scarce calcifications Poorly expressed desmin, smooth muscle actin, and CD117