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. 2022 Jan 5;15(3):250–273. doi: 10.1177/17585732211070193

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

Study Year Study design Level of evidence Country MINORS score Age, mean ± SD Sample size Sex (female%) BMI Comorbid Conditions Diagnosis Operative Procedure Follow-up preiod
Morris et al. 2015 Retrospective cohort study III US 19 68.5 ± 9.5 68 39 (57.3) 28.3 ± 7.35 No differences were found between the preoperative opioid group and the nonopioid group in smoking status, BMI, history of chronic back pain, depression, diabetes, or heart disease. Rotator cuff arthropathy rTSA 3.14 ± 1.7
Morris et al. 2016 Retrospective cohort study III US 18 66.5 ± 9.5 224 78 (34.8) 30.5 ± 6.0 No statistical differences were noted between the preoperative opioid group and the nonopioid group regarding diabetes, and heart disease, Patients with preoperative opioid use had a significantly higher prevalence of chronic back pain (52% vs. 30%; P = 0.003) and depression (13% vs. 4%; P = 0.04) and higher BMI (32 ± 7 kg/m2 vs. 29 ± 5 kg/m2; P = 0.01). Glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis aTSA 3.3 ± 1.2
Cuff et al. 2016 Prognostic case series IV US 12 63.3 years (range, 22 to 77 years) 181 79 (44) NR NR Partial- or full-thickness rotator cuff tear Arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery along with subacromial decompression NR
Cheah et al. 2017 Retrospective cohort study III US 19 67.3 262 139 (53) Opioid group had a significantly greater number of patients with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 compared with the non–opioid user cohort (P = 0.016). All other characteristics were similar, with a noted trend that the opioid cohort had a slightly higher Charlson Comorbidity Index (P = 0.057) NR 170 rTSA and 92 aTSA 2 years
Berglund et al. 2018 Retrospective cohort study III US 11 71 years (range, 30 to 90 years) 490 NR NR NR OA without RCT, OA with RCT, Fracture sequelae, Avascular necrosis, Failed arthroplasty, Locked dislocation and Inflammatory arthritis HA, aTSA, rTSA 47 months; range, 24 to 124 months
Grace et al. 2018 Retrospective analysis of prospective cohort study II US 21 median age was 68 years (range, 29–89 years) 119 56 (47.1) 30.1 ± 5.4 There was no significant difference in prevalence of depression (8.5% vs 5.6%, P = 0.53). Osteoarthritis, Avascular necrosis, Proximal humeral fracture, Rotator cuff arthropathy aTSA (37.0%), rTSA (63.0%). NR
Menendez et al. 2018 Retrospective analysis of prospective cohort study II US 21 69 ± 8 415 253 (61) 30.8 ± 6.3 Patients reporting severe postoperative pain were more likely to have more self-reported allergies (3.4 vs. 1.5, P < 0.001), diabetes (22% vs. 11%, P = 0.005), comorbid diagnosis of major depression (37% vs. 21%, P = 0.001), and an ASA score ≥ III (30% vs. 20%, P = 0.031). The most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension (60%), hypercholesterolemia (39%), and depression (25%). osteoarthritis (69), rotator cuff arthropathy (22) aTSA (29%), rTSA (71%) NR
Rao et al. 2018 Retrospective cohort study III US 12 84.1% (n = 3570) were aged ≥60 years 3996 2201 (51.9) 57.0% (n = 2176) had a BMI < 30 Hypertension was the most prevalent medical comorbidity (n = 2574 [69.0%]), and depression was the most common opioid use-related comorbidity (n = 604 [17.2%]) NR Hemiarthroplasty/humeral head resurfacing 891 (21.0%), rTSA 923 (21.8%), aTSA 2429 (57.2%) minimum of 1 year
Thompson et al. 2019 Retrospective cohort study III US 18 61.0 ± 11.8 73 36 (49.3) 32.2 ± 6.2 No significant differences were noted between the groups with respect comorbidities including DM, smoking, chronic pain syndromes, or mood disorders (including depression and anxiety). primary glenohumeral osteoarthritis aTSA 32.8 ± 10.3 months
Brock et al. 2019 Retrospective cohort study III US 21 69.0 ± 8.6  22,524  10,170 (45.5) NR Depression increased the risk for chronic postoperative opioid use, as did intravenous drug use for RCR but not TSA. Smoking and chronic lung disease were not significant predictors. diagnosis codes used for TSA and RCR TSA and rotator cuff repair NR
Curtis et al. 2019 Retrospective cohort study III US 22 67.55 ± 11.15 138 73 (52.9) NR The opioid cohort included five patients with a medical history of myocardial infarction (versus 1 control subject; P = 0.014) and three with peptic ulcer disease (versus 0 control subject; P = 0.057). Differences between cohorts in all other comorbidities, were not statistically significant. Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff arthropathy, Chronic dislocation, fractures, AVN, Osteomyelitis, Periprosthetic infection, and Arthroplasty failure. TSAs (69.1% reverse and 30.9% anatomic). 393 ± 299 days
Mayer et al. 2019 Prognostic case-control study III US 21 61.9 152 67 (44.0) 33.7 The chronic narcotic-use group had significantly more smokers than the non-narcotic group (P = 0.002); there were no other significant differences in comorbidities between groups. These comorbidities include: Asthma, COPD, Heart disease, HTN, DM, Depression/anxiety, OSA, and Kidney disease. Osteoarthritis aTSA NR
Williams et al. 2019 Retrospective cohort study III US 19 58.4 ± 10.1 200 96 (48.0) 30.6 ± 6.1 Notable statistically significant differences between groups included increased frequencies of back pain, depression, use of antidepressants or anxiolytics, or both, and degenerative joint disease in the preoperative opioid group. Full-thickness or partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair 47.2 (15.1)
Khazi et al. 2019 Retrospective cohort study III US 20 Age < 25 yr = 2045 (42.6) 4802 1384 (28.82) BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 = 346 (7.21) 5.5% (n = 266) had a diagnosis of depression or anxiety, 7.1% (n = 339) had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, and 0.3% (n = 15) had a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Shoulder instability 4268 (88.9%) underwent arthroscopic stabilization; 298 (6.2%), open Bankart procedures; 114 (2.4%), Latarjet procedures; and 122 (2.5%), other open procedures minimum of 1 year
Kolade et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 13 68.6 ± 10.1 622 368 (59.5) BMI was reported within bivariate analysis of average MME by patient characteristics for TSA patients with no differences between groups Psychiatric disorders 217 (35); ASA II to IV 610 (98.1); Prior shoulder surgery 382 (62). NR rTSA (56%); TSA (43%); Revision rTSA (1.28%); Revision TSA (0.16%).
Best et al. 2020 Prospective cohort study II US 12 57 ± 5.6 5621 2375 (42) NR Charlson comorbidity index 0.33 ± 0.68 NR Primary TSA NR
Sabesan et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 18 68.1 ± 9.4 162 94 (58) 30.2 ± 6.3 ASA class II to IV, 11.7% smokers NR 60 aTSA; 22 rTSA (group 1) and 80 revision TSA patients (all had a revision to Reversed) (group 2).
Jildeh et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 19 26.3 ± 11.7 340 85 (25) 27.5 ± 5.4 NR Biceps tenodesis 12 (3.5); SLAP tear 105 (30.9); ALPSA, GLAD, or HAGL 13 (3.8); Bankart lesion 242 (71.2); Hill-Sachs lesion 150 (44.1); Reverse Hill-Sachs lesion 9 (2.6); Instability events 21 (97.3). Shoulder arthroscopy with capsulorrhaphy including Bankart repair, arthroscopic SLAP repair, and limited arthroscopic debridement.
Peratikos et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 21 61 (57 to 64) 1387 550 (40) NR Charlson comorbidity index, median (IQR) 0 (0 to 1); Severe comorbidity 47 (3); History of mood or anxiety disorder 398 (29); History of substance use disorder 82 (6), History of personality or trauma and stressor disorder 38 (3); History of tobacco use 232 (17) NR TSA NR
Lu et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 21 56.82 ± 11.36 1242 505 (40.6) 31.06 ± 7.38 Depression 137 (11.0), Diabetes 113 (9.1), Heart disease 51 (4.1), Hypertension 313 (25.2), Degenerative joint disease 274 (18.1), Alcohol abuse 44, Smoking history 105 (6.5). NR Rotator cuff repair 298 (24.0); SLAP repair 25 (2.0); Capsulorraphy 102 (8.2); Biceps tenodesis 37 (3.0); Subacromial decompression 430 (34.6); Extensive debridement 220 (17.7); Limited debridement 130 (10.5). minimum of 1 year
Farley et al. 2020 Retrospective cohort study III US 20 While statistically different, patient age breakdown was overall clinically similar among groups without an obvious trend.  214,283  92,123 (43.0) NR Significant differences in every examined comorbidity at baseline although small, they were universally higher in the high opioid use groups (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). These include: Obesity, Chronic kidney disease, Alcohol use disorder, Tobacco use, Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hyperlipidemia, Rheumatic disease, Diabetes, Depression. NR Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair ± biceps tenodesis, subacromial decompression, distal clavicle resection, these were overall similar between groups. NR