Fig. 4.
MAD-cVA. CMR examination of a patient known for bileaflet MVP with MAD (8.1 mm) with cVA at 24-h-Holter monitoring. Panel A shows 3 chamber view showing systolic MAD (blue lines) and the bileaflet MVP. Panel B, displays the presence of LGE in the inferolateral wall. Abnormal GLS was found, with lower values of regional LS in the inferior wall (red arrow) (Panel C). Similarly, also GCS was reduced with lower values in the infero-lateral basal wall (red arrow) (Panel D). CMR cardiac magnetic resonance, cVA complex ventricular arrhythmias, FT feature-tracking, GCS global circumferential strain, GLS global longitudinal strain, LGE late gadolinium enhancement, LS longitudinal strain, MAD mitral annulus disjunction, MVP mitral valve prolapse