Table 1.
Individual deep sternal wound infection prevention variables
Variable | Specifics |
Reducing skin flora5 | Chlorhexidine baths for infection control of multidrug-resistant organisms |
Preoperative nasal MRSA screening5,6 | Antibiotic selection, preoperative decolonization |
Perioperative antibiotics5,7, 8, 9, 10 | Selection, coverage, concentration |
Perioperative normothermia | Warming devices, room temperatures |
Clean operating room environment11, 12, 13 | Air quality, air turnover rates, temperature, cleanliness, foot traffic |
Operating room door openings11,14 | Airborne particle counts, staff movement, ventilation |
Blood product transfusion7 | Hemodilution, blood exposure |
Sternal topical adhesives and medications15,16 | Topical vancomycin, sterilization techniques, preventing dehiscence |
Hypothermia prevention17, 18, 19 | Airborne particles |
Sternal closure method20, 21, 22, 23 | Figure-of-8, wire cerclage, rigid fixation |
Using disposable equipment24,25 | ECG leads, electrocautery pad chords |
Intravenous line dressings | CHG-impregnated dressing, CHG-impregnated patch |
MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; ECG, electrocardiogram; CHG, chlorhexidine gluconate.