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. 2023 Apr 20;11(3):e04261-22. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.04261-22


Genetic characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility of CRPA strains tested in this study

Antibiotics No. of isolates at an MIC (mg/L)a of:
Breakpoint(s)b MIC (mg/L)
R (%) Genetic resistance determinant(s)
0.12 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
Imipenem 3* 9 26 6 34 337 ≤2/≥8 ≥16 ≥16 89.40 Inactivation of oprD
Meropenem 4 19 17 67 54 254 ≤2/≥8 ≥16 ≥16 73.98 MexAB-OprM, mexCD-OprJ, blaGES, blaKPC, blaAIM, blaGIM, blaIMP, blaSPM, blaVIM, and blaOXA-198
Ceftazidime 1 2 129 15 61 46 53 108 ≤8/≥32 2 ≥64 38.80 bla AmpC
Cefepime 8* 43 18 155 106 85 ≤8/≥32 8 ≥32 25.54 Overexpression of MexCD-OprJ
Piperacillin-tazobactam 30* 57 36 107 50 135 (≤16/4)/ (≥128/4) 32 ≥128 32.53 bla AmpC
Colistin 390* 10 11 4 ≤2/≥4 ≤0.5 ≤0.5 0.96
Ciprofloxacin 69* 59 95 76 116 ≤0.5/≥2 1 ≥4 46.27 gyrAT83I, gyrAD87N, parEA473V, qnrVC, ampC
Levofloxacin 2 2* 11 62 55 130 153 ≤1/≥4 4 ≥8 68.19 MexXY-OprM (mexZ), MexVW-OprM
Tobramycin 315* 14 8 5 73 ≤4/≥16 ≤1 ≥16 17.59 MexXY-OprM
Amikacin 229* 67 29 32 14 44 ≤16/≥64 ≤2 ≥64 10.60 aac
Aztreonam 7 55 56 85 61 151 ≤8/≥32 32 ≥64 51.08 MexAB-OprM

Boldfacing indicates data for resistant strains. *, MIC ≤ the indicated value; †, MIC ≥ the indicated value.


Breakpoint concentrations—expressed as “susceptibility (mg/L)/resistance (mg/L)”—are presented according to CLSI2022.