FIG 2.
Visual illustration of the COVID-positive patient cases in wards A to E. The number beside each of the viruses indicates the date in December 2020 that the patient sample returned positive for COVID-19 (e.g., 3 indicates 3 December 2020). Diagrams of each of the wards are not to scale. The asterisk indicates a COVID-19-positive case that was confirmed on 17 December 2020 but is either attributed to room 17 or room 7, which already had a sequenced COVID-19-positive case (7 December 2020). Information on the outbreak based on classical epidemiology (e.g., known contact events) is described by the patient and health care worker (HCW) symbols. A COVID-positive physiotherapist was known to move between wards A and B, but directionality of transmission is unclear. Four ward C patients were in contact with two COVID-positive (COVID+) ward A patients. There were no known exposure events in ward D. All 4 patients in ward E were exposed to one COVID-positive HCW, but only 3/4 patients had their COVID sample sequenced, which is depicted in the diagram.