Summary of the unweighted median CD4 results from 11 population-based HIV impact assessment surveys, reported by gender (male, female, total) among HIV-negative (A) and HIV-positive (B) individuals (ages 15+ years). Panel A shows the median CD4 for HIV-negative adults (n = 5,206), reported by country and gender. The median CD4 among HIV-negative individuals was 854 cells/mm3 in females versus 759 cells/mm3 in males. 40 of the 5,206 individuals had CD4 values that were greater than 1,800/mm3, and these are not shown. Panel B shows the median CD4 for HIV-positive adults (n = 22,253), reported by country and gender. The median CD4 among HIV-positive individuals was 511 cells/mm3 in females versus 385 cells/mm3 in males.16 of the 5,206 individuals had CD4 values that were greater than 1,800/mm3, and these are not shown. Note that the median measurements exclude Uganda and that the CD4 cell count measurements for participants who tested HIV-negative were not part of the protocol. Also, the Ethiopia survey was conducted only in urban and semiurban settings. Further, note that the horizontal black lines in the vertical center of each box represent the medians. The ends of the box are the Q1 (first quartile) and Q3 (third quartile) values. The vertical box length represents the interquartile range. The vertical lines above and below the boxes extend to the most extreme values that are no further than 1.5 times the interquartile range from each of the upper and lower quartiles. The dots represent outlying CD4 values beyond this range.