Extracellular Pel is not produced by a PelA deacetylase mutant. (a) Dot blot of crude cell-associated and matrix-associated fractions from indicated strains. Pel was detected using WFL-HRP. (b) Standing pellicle assay; (c) crystal violet microtiter plate assay. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean from five independent trials. Statistical significance was evaluated using an ordinary one-way analysis of variance with Tukey corrections for multiple comparisons. ns, no significant difference; ****, P < 0.0001. (d) Congo red colony morphologies; (e) Western blot for PelA and PilF loading control. The molecular weight (MW) is indicated in kilodaltons in the MW marker lane on top of the marker band. The molecular weights of proteins are as follows: PelA, 101.1 kDa; PilF, 28.5 kDa. PBADpel, PAO1 ΔwspF Δpsl PBADpel.