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. 2023 Jun 5;17(6):e0011407. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011407

Table 2. Effect estimates and P values for each of the terms in our generalized additive mixed models.

Response Variable Estimate Lower95 Upper95 Sig edf Chi_or_F P
Infection Intercept 2.237 0.714 8.829 0.204
Rural area 1 1 1
Urban area1 0.6 0.388 0.973 * 0.03
Urban_rural_interface1 0.607 0.296 1.265 0.166
Bad carcass quality2 1 1
Good carcass quality2 1.355 0.71 2.591 0.384
Intermediate carcass quality2 1.38 0.62 2.563 0.387
Alouatta 3 1 1
Callicebus 3 0.37 0.104 1.214 0.122
Callithrix 3 0.124 0.046 0.339 * <0.001
Date * 6.299 39 <0.001
Longitude 0.766 9 0.09
Latitude * 2.17 9 0.001
Long:Lat * 4.189 16 0.002
Intensity Intercept 0.782 0.363 1.253 * 0.001
Rural area 1 0
Urban area1 -0.636 -0.863 -0.465 * <0.001
Urban_rural_interface1 -0.396 -0.77 -0.062 * 0.028
Bad carcass quality2 0
Good carcass quality2 0.325 -0.043 0.702 0.079
Intermediate carcass quality2 0.195 -0.187 0.565 0.307
Alouatta 3 0
Callicebus 3 -0.285 -0.71 0.157 0.198
Callithrix 3 -0.813 -1.138 -0.489 * <0.001
Date * 4.849 21 <0.001
Longitude 0.576 9 0.15
Latitude * 1.784 9 0.001
Long:Lat * 6.015 16 <0.001

Response variables included “Infection” given by binary qualitative liver RTqPCR results, denoting the presence or absence of YFV RNA, and “Intensity” given by RTqPCR Cq threshold values representing the intensity of YFV RNA load in infected individuals. The estimates for the Infection model are given as odds ratios; the estimates for the intensity model are given as linear effects. For each linear effect, we include the GAMM slope coefficient and the 95% confidence intervals on estimates (upper 95 and lower 95). For these and all smooth terms, we include p values, effective degrees of freedom (edf), and the Chi square (for infection) or F value (for intensity). An asterisk in the column “Sig” denotes whether the variable was statistically significant (P<0.05). Categorical variables are presented as [1] areas of non-human primate sampling (urban, rural or urban-rural interface), [2] the preservation status of non-human primate carcasses (good, bad, intermediate), and [3] non-human primate taxa.