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. 2016 May 16;19(15):2760–2768. doi: 10.1017/S136898001600094X

Table 6.

Factors associated with the food-choice motive ‘health’ among public junior-high-school students (n 681) in grades 7 and 8 (aged 13–14 years), East Jakarta, Indonesia, October 2014

Coefficient β P value 95 % CI
Gender 0·16 0·029 0·31, −0·02
Mother’s educational level
Elementary school 0·31 0·358 −0·35, 0·97
Junior-high school 0·59 0·089 −0·09, 1·28
Senior-high school 0·46 0·172 −0·20, 1·12
University/college 0·44 0·213 −0·25, 1·13
Father’s educational level
Elementary school −0·20 0·539 −0·84, 0·44
Junior-high school −0·46 0·155 −1·09, 0·17
Senior-high school −0·32 0·302 −0·93, 0·29
University/college −0·60 0·065 −1·24, 0·04
Mother’s occupation (working/not working) −0·04 0·678 −0·22, 0·14
Father’s occupation
Government/military 0·31 0·196 −0·16, 0·78
Private sector 0·16 0·488 −0·30, 0·63
Entrepreneur 0·33 0·152 −0·12, 0·79
Other 0·41 0·085 −0·06, 0·88
Family affluence 0·04 0·019 0·08, −0·01
Family dinner frequency 0·03 0·057 0·00, 0·06
BMI 0·05 0·073 0·00, 0·10
Knowledge about nutrition −0·02 0·790 −0·17, 0·13

Significant results are indicated in bold font.