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. 2014 Feb 20;18(2):329–342. doi: 10.1017/S1368980014000123

Table 2.

Child, maternal and household-level characteristics of the sample by elevation zone and IYCF practices by child age range, northern region of Potosí department, Bolivian Andes, March 2009

Elevation zone‡
Low Mid High
Sample characteristics Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd
Child characteristics
Age (months) 16 5·7 15 5·5 14 6·4
Sex (% male) 53 53 47
LAZ −2·2 1·3 −2·0 1·1 −2·0 1·2
Stunted (%) 49 51 52
WAZ −1·2 1·1 −1·1 0·9 −1·0 1·0
Underweight (%) 18 12 14
Diarrhoea symptoms in previous two weeks (%) 38 42 41
Maternal characteristics
Age (years) 31 7·7 30 8·3 30 7·1
Height (cm) 150 4·7 150 5·0 149 5·6
Parity* 5·6 2·7 4·4 2·5 4·2 2·5
Education (% not completing primary school) 96 93 87
Antenatal care attendance (% never attended during most recent pregnancy) 50 39 40
ICFI score 6·9 1·9 7·1 1·9 7·4 1·8
Household characteristics
Access to electricity (% with access)* 12 34 25
Number of children in household 4·2 2·1 3·5 2·0 3·1 1·8
Cultivated land area (ha)* 0·88 1·20 0·66 0·52 0·58 0·58
Crop diversity of household farm* 6·2 2·2 6·9 1·8 5·8 2·0
Distance to nearest health facility (hours by foot)* 2·0 1·1 1·9 1·1 2·4 1·3
Number of sheep and goats owned 29 20 29 13 26 20
6–11 months 12–23 months
IYCF practices Mean SD Mean SD
Child received breast milk (24 h) (%) 98 76
Duration of exclusive breast-feeding (months) 3·2 1·9 3·4 1·7
Child fed exclusively breast milk to 6 months of age (%) 21 18
Child was fed using a bottle (24 h) (%) 30 21
Number of food groups consumed (24 h) 2·4 1·4 3·0 1·2
Number of food groups consumed (7 d) 2·9 1·6 4·0 1·4
Child was fed semi-solid or solid foods (24 h) 64 70
Number of meals and snacks fed (24 h) 2·1 0·8 2·5 1·0
Child was assisted during eating (24 h) (%) 77 45
Energy intake from complementary food (kJ) 1500 590 2900 1300
ICFI score 8·3 1·5 6·4 1·7

IYCF, infant and young child feeding; LAZ, length-for-age Z-score; WAZ, weight-for-age Z-score; ICFI, infant and child feeding index.

Data are presented as means and standard deviations or as proportions.


Differences across elevation zones significant at P < 0·05.

n 251 for the entire sample; n 95 children aged 6–11 months; n 156 children aged 12–23 months.

Elevation (in metres above sea level): low = 2700–3300, n 84; mid = 3300–3800, n 84; high = 3800–4200, n 83.