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. 2015 May 11;19(4):658–666. doi: 10.1017/S1368980015001342

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of participants according to snacking between main meals. The SUN Project (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra; University of Navarra Follow-up), Navarra, Spain, 1999–2013

Snacking between main meals
No (n 4480) Yes (n 2731)
Mean or % sd Mean or % sd P value
Age (years) 36·2 9·8 32·7 9·1 <0·001
Sex (%) <0·001§
Male 37·9 26·8
Female 62·1 73·2
Educational level (%) <0·001§
Technical/non graduated 32·3 41·3
Graduated 50·2 47·5
Master/doctoral 17·5 11·2
Marital status (%) <0·001§
Single 47·3 58·7
Married 48·8 38·7
Other* 3·9 2·6
Mediterranean diet adherence score (%) <0·001§
0–2 points 13·9 17·1
3–5 points 59·2 60·1
6–9 points 26·9 22·8
Total energy intake (kJ/d) 9912 2427 10 360 2452 <0·001
Total energy intake (kcal/d) 2369 580 2476 586 <0·001
Fruits consumption (units/d) 2·3 1·9 2·2 1·8 0·002
Vegetable consumption (units/d) 3·0 1·5 2·9 1·4 0·107
Sweets consumption (units/d) 1·0 0·9 1·2 0·9 <0·001
Eating away-from-home meals 0·585§
Never to 1–3 times/month 53·5 53·6
1 time/week 22·0 21·0
≥2 times/week 24·5 25·4
Alcohol consumption (g/d) 6·1 8·5 5·5 8·0 0·004
Current smokers (%) 23·1 24·7 0·020§
Leisure-time physical activity (MET h/week) 21·8 22·6 20·0 23·1 0·002
Television watching (h/d) 1·6 1·3 1·8 1·4 <0·001
Weight gain at least 1 kg in the 5 years before (%) 47·6 56·4 <0·001§
BMI (kg/m2) 22·6 2·7 22·7 2·8 0·910

MET, metabolic equivalents of task.


Other=widowed, divorced, cohabiting.

Sweets consumption=cookies, biscuits, cupcakes, doughnuts, pastries, cakes, chocolates, candies, smashers.

P value from Student’s t test.


P value from Pearson’s χ 2 test.