Energy |
Complete |
Protein |
Complete |
Total sugar |
Complete |
Saturated fat |
Complete |
Sodium |
Complete |
Dietary fibre |
Partial data were available: |
Products in a food category known not to contain fibre (e.g. eggs) were assigned a fibre score of 0
Products with data available were assigned an individual fibre score
Products with no data but in a category of foods known to contain fibre were assigned an imputed value. The imputed value was the average for all products in the category with data
Calcium |
Partial data were available for the cheese and processed cheese categories which require a calcium value for the calculation of the nutrient profile score: |
Products with data available were assigned an individual calcium score
Products with missing data were assigned an imputed value. The imputed value was the average for all products in the category with data
Percentage content of fruit, |
No data were available: |
vegetables, nuts and legumes (FVNL; V points) |
Products in food categories known not to contain appreciable amounts of fruit and vegetables (e.g. dairy milk) were assigned a V points value of 0
Products in food categories known to contain fruit and vegetables were assigned imputed V points values