Fig. 1.
Bland–Altman plots showing the agreement between the FFQ and the 3 d food record (FR) in estimating daily nutrient and food group intakes among pre-school children (fifty-one boys and forty-eight girls) in the validation study of the mother–child ‘Rhea’ birth cohort, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2011–2012. The difference between the two methods (FFQ – FR) is plotted v. the mean of the two methods (FFQ + FR)/2), where ——— represents the mean difference between the two dietary methods and - - - - - represent the 95 % limits of agreement (LOA; corresponding to the mean difference±1·96 sd), for: (a) energy intake (mean difference=794 kJ and LOA=−2589 kJ, 4179 kJ); (b) vegetable intake (mean difference=61 g and LOA=−102 g, 225 g); (c) fruit intake (mean difference=45 g and LOA=−176 g, 226 g); (d) fat intake (mean difference=6 g and LOA=−42 g, 55 g); (e) carbohydrate intake (mean difference=25 g and LOA=−69 g, 120 g)