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. 2012 Oct 18;16(7):1186–1196. doi: 10.1017/S1368980012004454

Table 3.

Comparison of campus dining environment construct scores by on-campus dining venues and institution size; fifteen US post-secondary institutions, 2009–2011

By institution size
All institutions combined Small institutions, ≤15 000 students Medium institutions, 15 001–29 999 students Large institutions, ≥30 000 students
Mean sd P value* Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd P value†
Total score
Dining halls 42·31a 10·02 47·50 16·47 46·13 6·75 38·20 6·57 NS
Student union 24·90b 15·92 32·00a 20·80 38·00a 15·66 18·17b 11·09 0·05
Snack bars/café 22·51b 9·49 <0·000 22·60 12·05 20·05 9·39 23·90 9·17 NS
Healthy Entrées sub-score‡
Dining halls 4·00a 2·71 4·17 2·86 4·25 2·71 3·80 2·83 NS
Student union 2·85a,b 2·96 4·25 3·86 4·50 3·70 1·83 2·13 NS
Snack bars/café 2·18b 2·37 0·022 2·00 3·08 2·07 2·34 2·30 2·34 NS
Healthy Side Dishes/Salad Bar sub-score§
Dining halls 19·03a 4·68 17·00a 5·37 22·50b 3·34 18·00a,b 4·26 0·037
Student union 8·85b 8·38 14·00a 9·27 16·25a 8·66 4·67b 5·35 0·013
Snack bars/café 7·44b 5·26 <0·000 8·60 9·48 7·43 4·96 7·15 4·38 NS
Healthy Beverages sub-score∥
Dining halls 14·24a 3·10 15·67 3·78 13·50 3·51 14·07 2·60 NS
Student union 11·15b 5·16 14·25a 2·50 17·50a 0·58 8·00b 3·91 <0·001
Snack bars/café 10·44b 5·16 0·002 12·60 2·79 9·79 5·48 10·35 4·12 NS
Facilitators of Healthy Eating sub-score¶
Dining halls 7·90 6·29 12·00 8·53 8·75 7·98 5·80 3·01 NS
Student union 6·05 6·13 3·25 3·95 3·75 4·79 7·75 6·81 NS
Snack bars/café 4·46 5·71 NS 1·14 3·29 5·38 6·15 6·15 NS
Barriers to Healthy Eating sub-score**
Dining halls −3·21a 2·26 −1·50 1·64 −3·38 1·06 −3·80 2·65 NS
Student union −2·55a,b 3·41 −0·75 1·50 −1·50 3·00 −3·50 3·80 NS
Snack bars/café −1·54b 2·27 0·031 −0·60 1·34 −2·14 3·21 −1·35 1·53 NS
Price sub-score††
Dining halls 0·34a 1·11 0·17 1·84 0·50 0·95 0·33 0·90 NS
Student union −1·45b 2·24 −3·00 2·45 −2·50 3·00 −0·58 1·56 NS
Snack bars/café −0·46a,b 1·90 0·003 −1·00 1·41 0·07 1·90 −0·70 2·00 NS

a,bMean values within a column (for all institutions combined) or within a row (for by institution size) with unlike superscript letters were significantly different as determined by pairwise comparisons using Tukey's B post hoc test (P < 0·05).

*ANOVA main effects significance level comparing campus dining environment total score by dining venues.

†ANOVA main effects significance level comparing campus dining environment sub-scores for each venue by institution size.

‡Healthy entrées (main dishes, main dish salads and low-fat/fat-free dressings; possible range = 0–12).

§Healthy sides dishes/salad bar (non-fried vegetables, no-sugar added fruit, vegetarian, wholegrain items, baked chips, salad bar; possible range = 0–35).

∥Healthy beverages (low-fat and non-fat milk and alternatives, 100 % fruit juice, diet and low-calorie soda; possible range = 0–18).

¶Facilitators of healthy eating (nutrition information, healthy signs, reduced portions; possible range = 0–30).

**Barriers to healthy eating (unhealthy signs, large portions, all-you-can-eat; possible range = −15 to 0).

††Price (dining hall contracts, salad bar by weight, combo meals, portion and healthy meal pricing; possible range = −14 to 5).