The Platinum Rule: A New Standard in Person-Centered Care |
• Annual World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Lectureship: Review of literature on Dignity Conserving Care with pragmatic implications for clinical practice and research pertaining to human-centeredness in palliative care and reflections on The Platinum Rule: treat others as they would like to be treated |
An Update on Global Serious Health-Related Suffering from The Global Palliative Care and Pain Relief Research Hub |
• Research from a hub of international collaborators with findings pertaining to an update of The Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief; the need for children’s palliative care worldwide; a regional analysis of palliative care need and access Latin America; a country-level analysis of need and access in Chile |
The Journey Ahead for Hospice & Palliative Care Teams: Our Collective Suffering and Healing the Wounds |
• Breakout session: addressing the welfare of the palliative care workforce, including discussions on trauma-informed care, burnout and moral suffering, the need to develop moral resilience and cultivate meaning-making for health professionals, and strategies to support staff at service, institutional, and system levels |
Cancer Pain Management and Opioid Use Disorder: How Do We Move Forward? |
• Breakout session: focused on emerging science in cancer pain management, opioid misuse, and opioid risk mitigation strategies; identifying next steps in literature to support evidence-based practices and ensure patient and community safety while fulfilling moral obligation to relieve pain |
Patient-Clinician Conversation |
• Interview conducted by palliative care oncologist with a patient working as a palliative care pharmacist undergoing disease-modifying treatment for two cancers |
Advocacy Corner |
• Summary of policy-oriented work led by the Center to Advance Palliative Care in the broader context of local and national advocacy initiatives, U.S. influence on global policy, and need for synergy between clinical, community-based, and decision-making stakeholders |
Lancet Commission on the Value of Death |
• Summary of the Commission report with a focus on implications for clinical stakeholders, hospice and palliative specialists, and community partners to forge a new narrative on the value of death that extends beyond the scope of palliative care; addresses the social determinants of death, dying, and grief; and strives to create a realistic utopia for living and dying |
Visiting Virtual Schwartz Rounds |
• Interdisciplinary discussion on a challenging pediatric oncology case; focused on the emotional and social aspects of patient care and relationship-building, as well as the personal experiences of the physician, nurses, and social workers involved |
Caregiver-Clinician Conversation |
• Exploration of a caregiver’s experience with a spouse’s terminal illness; addressed key roles of mental health, palliative care, and hospice involvement, and takeaways for all interdisciplinary health professionals to consider in the care of patients and their family caregivers |
Palliative Care for Incarcerated Persons |
• Breakout session: program overview of the Humane Prison Hospice Project including viewing of brief documentary, “Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall”; critical discussion of the need for palliative care improvements and associated barriers among incarcerated people and populations |
World Perspectives on Medical Aid in Dying |
• Breakout session: international views, experiences, and research from interdisciplinary colleagues in Colombia, Kenya, Prague, and the U.S. on ethical, practical, and social considerations related to medical aid in dying |
Invited Rapid Fire Talks: Person and Family-Centered Hospice and Palliative Care |
• “Bereavement Risk-Screening as an Avenue for Bereavement-Conscious Palliative Care”; “Project Respect: LGBTQ+ Experiences with Healthcare Providers for Serious Illness”; “The Patient Dignity Question, Age, and Proximity to Death Among Patients with Cancer”; “Antiracist Approaches to Palliative Care Research”; “Meaning-Focused Interventions for Family Caregivers and Application to Palliative and Hospice Practice” |
Seeing Ourselves Through Our Patient’s Eyes: Building a Foundation for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Palliative Care and Hospice |
• Inaugural Dr. Richard Payne Lecture on Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Serious Illness: Innovative discussion on how to forge connection and equity with seriously ill racially marginalized people and communities while considered the historical context of racism and racial inequity, the ongoing social context of racism and racially motivated violence, and the broader reckoning needed in hospice and palliative care |