Figure 15.
Non-nanoprobe thermometry. (a) Local temperature measurement of Au nanorods with X-rays. (1) Schematic illustrating the photothermal excitation of Au nanorods with visible-NIR light and the local temperature detection with X-rays. (2) Fourier transforms of the X-ray absorption fine structure spectra of Au nanorods under an NIR laser at different powers. (3) Debye–Waller factor parameters (σ2) of the Au nanorods as a function of temperature. The calibration curve was first obtained for a set of temperatures (open circles) and then used for the temperature determination under different laser excitation conditions (solid circles). Reprinted with permission from ref (417). Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (b) Local temperature measurement of individual Si nanoparticles by Raman spectroscopy. (1) Experimental Raman spectra for a spherical Si nanoparticle with a diameter of 350 nm on a glass substrate. (2) Schematic illustration, SEM image, and reconstructed 2D temperature map of a single Si nanoparticle under laser irradiation at an intensity of 2 mW μm–2. Reprinted with permission from ref (420). Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society. (c) Local temperature measurement of Au nanorods by anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. (1) Luminescence emission spectra of a single Au nanorod under 532 nm excitation (green) and 633 nm excitation at three different powers (purple, orange, and blue). The red curve is the surface plasmon profile extracted from the green curve using the Lorentz function. The inset shows the anti-Stokes-to-Stokes ratio as a function of the excitation power, overlapped with a linear fit in red. (2) Anti-Stokes Raman intensity of a single Au nanorod at different irradiation powers. The inset shows the extracted temperature at each power. Reprinted with permission from ref (427). Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license