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. 2023 Jun 8;3(6):688–704. doi: 10.1038/s43587-023-00431-z

Extended Data Fig. 7. Readouts of anti-IL-17 treatment in aged mice.

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, Plot of selected GO categories belonging to BP analysis for genes upregulated upon aging in epidermal cells. The x axis represents –(log10) of the P-value for each depicted GO category. b, Box and whiskers plots (min to max, box Q1 to Q3, center depicts the median) showing expression levels of selected genes differentially expressed upon IL-17A/F blocking treatment in epidermal cells (n = 4 individual mice per age). Depicted genes were extracted from the GO analysis shown in Fig. 4c. c, Images of adult, aged/IgG control and aged/anti-IL-17A/F antibody treated back skin showing the epilated areas (white dashed line areas). Note that the gray color of dermis indicates anagen progression. d, Representative images showing shaved mouse back skins with anagen patches (black areas) in aged/IgG control and aged/anti-IL-17A/F antibody treated. e, Representative images and quantification of Rspo3 FISH in aged/IgG control (n = 5 individual mice) and aged/anti-IL-17A/F antibody treated (n = 6 individual mice) mouse back skin. Bar = 20μm. White arrows point to positive cells. Insets are shown in the right panel next to each condition, bar = 5μm. Plot shows the number of spots and clusters detected with Rspo3 probe per dermal papilla. n.s., not significant. Brightness and contrast were adjusted only for visualization purposes. Quantifications were done in raw images. f, Plot showing percentage of recovery of trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) after tape-stripping comparing i) adult, ii) aged/IgG control and iii) aged/anti-IL-17A/F antibody treated through time (0, 6, 10, 24, 48 hours post tape stripping). g, Box and whiskers plots (min to max, box Q1 to Q3) of wound area measurements (in mm2) through time comparing i) adult (n = 15 individual mice), ii) aged/IgG control (n = 14 individual mice) and iii) aged/anti-IL-17A/F antibody treated (n = 15 individual mice). Average of the two wounds is used for this plot.