Extended Data Fig. 3. Changes observed in adult vs. aged dermis.
a,b, Box plots showing changes in proportion of (a) myeloid and (b) lymphoid cells in adult and aged conditions obtained with sccomp(Mangiola 2022) obtained with the scRNA-seq data. Error bars indicate the 95% credible intervals, center line is the median. The black boxplots represent the observed data, while blue ones indicate the posterior predictive check of the model. Boxes colored in orange indicate statistically significant differences in cell proportion between conditions (FDR < 0.025 using Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control for multiple testing) and red triangles outside the boxes mark outliers. c, Plots of selected GO categories belonging to Biological Processes (BP) analysis for genes upregulated in monocyte_1 cluster (upper panel) and monocyte_2 cluster (lower panel) upon aging. The x axis represents –(log10) of the adjusted P-value for each depicted GO category. d, Violin plots showing expression levels of Il1b in cells belonging to clusters monocyte_1, macrophage_2, and dendritic cells in adult and aged conditions. e, Immunostaining for CD4 in adult (upper panel) and aged (lower panel) back skin. White arrows point to positive cells. Bar = 50 μm. Insets are shown in the right panel next to each condition, bar = 10 μm. * = unspecific hair shaft autofluorescence. N = 5 individual mice. Quantification shows percentage of positive cells. Brightness and contrast were adjusted only for visualization purposes. Quantifications were done in raw images.