Fig. 2. Correlation of vocal consistency with reproductive success, season and context in blue tits.
Points in (a) show mean vocal consistency of each male per breeding season with the respective clutch size as number of eggs, corrected for the seasonal effect of date of first egg using the estimated coefficient from the model. Points in (b) show the male vocal consistency ± one standard error (SE) per clutch size category (number of males in each category shown underneath error bars). c The variation of male vocal consistency throughout the breeding period, with a temporal resolution of 1 day. Points indicate the mean ± SE of vocal consistency of all males recorded on each day, the sample size of number of males recorded each day shown underneath error bars. In all plots, red lines trace the model predicted values, with the associated 95% confidence interval (CI) in pink shaded area. The grey area in the centre of (c) indicates the female receptive period. In (d), we see that male vocal consistency is significantly higher during dawn chorus (N = 90) than during day-time singing (N = 74), measured in a total of 95 birds recorded during the breeding period. Box and whisker plots showing median, upper and lower quartiles, and 1.5 interquartile range and outliers as points. Source data are provided in Supplementary Data 2.