Table 1.
Conceptual definitions of DIQ variables, (adapted from Rosenfeld 20).
Definition | Concept |
Centrality | One’s views of a dietary pattern is a predominant feature of one’s self-concept |
Private regard | Personal feelings toward following a dietary pattern and toward others who also eat this way |
Public regard | Feelings about how members of dietary out-group members, and society at large, evaluate those who follow one’s dietary pattern |
Out-group regard | One’s evaluation of people who follow a dietary pattern that differs from one’s own |
Prosocial motivation | A desire to help others and society as a whole is a reason for following one’s dietary pattern |
Personal motivation | A desire to help oneself as a reason for following one’s dietary pattern |
Moral motivation | Values and beliefs about ethics and principles as a reason for following one’s dietary pattern |
Strictness | One’s consistency and adherence to a dietary pattern |