Fig. 6.
Choroid plexus NKCC1 activity is elevated testosterone-treated rats. A 86Rb+ influx into isolated choroid plexus from control and testosterone-treated rats in the absence and presence of ouabain (Ouab, 2 mM), n = 4–5 (after one outlier removed from the control-ouabain group). B The ouabain-sensitive (Na+/K+-ATPase-mediated) fraction of the 86Rb+ influx in choroid plexus from control and testosterone-treated rats (n = 4, after one outlier removed from the testosterone group). C Efflux of 86Rb+ from choroid plexus obtained from control rats or testosterone-treated rats in the absence or presence of NKCC1 inhibition by 20 µM bumetanide (BUM, n = 5–6 after one outlier removed from the control group). Y-axis is the natural logarithm of the amount left in the choroid plexus at time t (At) divided by the amount at time 0 (A0). D The 86Rb+ efflux rate constant obtained with linear regression of the data from C. E The bumetanide-sensitive (NKCC1-mediated) fraction of the 86Rb+ efflux rate constant obtained from data in D. Results shown as mean ± SEM and statistical significance obtained with Student’s t-test (panels B, E) or ANOVA with Sidak's multiple comparisons test (panel A, D). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns not significant