Figure 2.
LeFPP is a ubiquitously expressed coiled-coil protein. (A) Non full-length amino acid sequence of LeFPP (GenBank accession number AF405309). The Lysine in position 1 is the first amino acid encoded by the LeFPP cDNA in frame with the GAL4 activation domain. The coiled-coil regions are boxed. The residues correlating to motifs I, II, III, and IV are indicated by asterisks below the sequence (see text). (B) RNA blot analysis of LeFPP RNA accumulation in different tomato tissues. Approximately equal amounts of total RNA (20 μg) were loaded per lane, as confirmed by ethidium-bromide staining (data not shown). yl, young leaves; yf, young fruits; fl, fully open flowers; sd, light-grown seedlings; sd, dark-grown seedlings. The positions of RNA size markers are indicated on the right.