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. 2023 Feb 22;10(7):4305–4312. doi: 10.1002/nop2.1672


The correlation between demographic factors and the total score of NMCS (N = 533)

Variables t/F p
Gender, n (%) a 1.296 0.195
Age (years) b 2.572 0.053
Highest degree b 0.274 0.844
Work experience (years) b 3.925 0.004*
Title b 1.801 0.146
Working unit b 1.017 0.398
Monthly income b 2.566 0.037*
Is there a hospital‐authorized strength a 2.028 0.043*
Hospital organization ethics training a 4.615 <0.001*
Active acquisition of ethics knowledge a 5.668 <0.001*
Nursing was a career goal a 3.640 <0.001*
Frequency of facing situations that require moral courage at work b 5.674 <0.001*

Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

*p < 0.05 are statistically significant.


Independent t test.


One‐way analysis of variance.