Study, year, location | Method of rural designation | Study type (design) | Intervention components | Intervention frequency/length | Provider | Sample | Type of outcomes | Key findings |
Exercise/physical activity (n = 9) | ||||||||
Conway et al.71 2012 US (North Dakota) | Author reported rural county | Prevention (qualitative) | PA (and behavioral)a | 5 weeks in winter | 3 member evaluation team | N = 81 5th and 6th grade students |
5 focus groups, qualitative data | Students thought setting goals and keeping logs supported participation in PA; logs helpful but not consistently completed; some students wanted them to be electronic but also to be private; described support from parents and teachers and role models; increasing level and variety of PA was recommendation for change. |
Eichner et al.100 2016 US (Oklahoma) | Author reported rural school | Prevention (pre-post design) | PA | 2 school semesters (daily PA on school days) | PE teacher | N = 66 Middle school: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, 12–15 years old |
BMI z-scores pre- and post-assessments | Significant group differences in BMI z-scores, with participating students staying the same and nonparticipating students increasing; BMI decreased among boys who participated and was stable among girls. |
Manley53 2008 US (Kentucky) | Author reported rural | Prevention (RCT) | PA | 12 weeks (wore pedometer every day and 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous PA) | PE teacher | N = 116 6th and 7th grade students Intervention n = 55 Control n = 61 |
Self-efficacy levels, PA (pedometers), aerobic fitness (1 mile walk test), and body composition (height, weight, BMI, BMI %ile, relative BMI) pre- and postassessments | No Tx effects—no statistical difference between Tx and control school; Tx school had significantly higher weight status (BMI and relative BMI); Tx school had significantly lower PA and aerobic fitness compared to control school; noteworthy that Tx group had greater improvements in self-efficacy, aerobic fitness levels, and relative BMI than control group. |
Manley et al.87 2014 US (Kentucky) | Author reported rural | Prevention (RCT) | PA | 12 weeks (wore pedometer every day and 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous PA) | PE teacher | N = 116 11- and 13-year-olds (mean age 11.7 years) Intervention n = 55 Control n = 61 |
Self-efficacy levels, PA (pedometers), aerobic fitness (1 mile walk test), and body composition (BMI, BMI %ile, relative BMI) pre- and postassessments | No significant difference between Tx and control groups; those with optimal relative BMI levels had higher self-efficacy, PA, and aerobic fitness levels. Although not statistically significant, Tx group had greater improvements in mean self-efficacy scores, aerobic fitness levels, and relative BMI. |
Oluyomi et al.89 2014 US (Texas) | Definition not included (home addresses were geocoded) | Prevention (cross-sectional) | PA (and policy)b | 5-year implementation project | Not described | N = 830 parent-student dyads (4th grade) | Self-reported child walking to school; perceived traffic and personal safety concerns for neighborhood, en route to school, school environments; social capital | Odds of walking to school were higher with no problems related to traffic speed, amount of traffic, sidewalks, intersection safety, crossing guards; odds of walking to school were lower with stray animals and concerns with no walking partner. |
Robinson et al.90 2014 US (Alabama) | Author reported 1 county in Black Belt Region | Prevention (cross-sectional) | PA (and policy)b | Daily PE for 30 minutes | Certified PE instructor | 5 elementary schools; N = 683 school-age children (341 female; 342 male); mean age 8.22 years; 99.9% Black | BMI; weight status; waist circumference; PA behavior (pedometer step count, System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time, and the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth) | Overall, PE and PA state-level policies were only partially implemented; large discrepancy between what is scheduled at school level and what is actually being implemented; PA during PE was students’ only opportunity for school PA. |
Rye et al.55 2008 US (West Virginia) | Definition not included; state is in Appalachia and ranks 3rd highest among all states on % rural population | Prevention (pre-post design) | PA | 2 academic years | 2 secondary teachers and high school students | Y1, N = 16 Y2, N = 15 + 3 repeaters from Y1, faculty, staff, parents, community members High school focus group: Health Sciences and Technology Academy students Y1, N = 12 Y2, N = 5 Adult focus group participants: teachers, parents, community members | Daily step count (pedometer); perceptions of barriers to PA; self-efficacy; outcome expectations | Pre to post-decreases in Y2 mean scores were statistically significant for total barriers, as well as lack of energy, time, and willpower. |
Smith et al.113 2020 US (Ohio) | Author reported rural Appalachian high schools in Southern Ohio (based on population density, housing, and territory) | Intervention (RCT) | PA (and behavioral)a | 10 weeks (10 40-minute weekly lessons) | Trained peer mentors and teachers | N = 190 (n = 106 obese and n = 84 extremely obese) in 9th-11th grades Mean age 15.03 years (standard deviation = 0.84) | Conducted baseline, 3-month follow-up, and 6-month postintervention of raw body weight, height, BMI, body fat %, BMI % | All youth lost an average of 7.3 lb from baseline to 3-month follow-up and 10.8 lb from baseline to 6-month follow-up; Obese Mentored Planning to be Active group lost 77.5% more weight by 6-month follow-up compared to the Planning to be Active group. Extremely obese in the Mentored Planning to be Active group lost 80% more weight compared to the Planning to be Active group. Extremely obese females lost more weight compared to males; BMI and body fat had similar results; youth in the Mentored Planning to be Active group had most improvements. |
Smith et al.106 2018 US (Ohio) | School districts in rural Appalachia counties | Prevention (RCT) | PA | 10 40-minute sessions (2 possible sessions each week) | Teachers and trained teen mentors | N = 654 9th and 10th graders N = 119 older peer mentors N = 8 teachers N = 20 schools |
BMI, height, weight | Peer-to-peer mentoring by local high school students and school-based tailored support strengthens sustainable behavioral change. |
Dietary/nutrition (n = 9) | ||||||||
Angelico et al.42 1991 Italy (Sezze Romano) | Author reported small town (70 miles outside Rome) | Prevention (cross-sectional) | Nutrition | 5 years (3 teacher trainings, 6 parent/community interactions); frequency of nutrition education in classroom unclear | Trained school teachers | N = 150 children aged 6–7 years attending rural elementary school | Height, weight, BMI | Height, weight, and BMI increased over time. |
Moss et al.79 2013 US (Illinois) | US Department of Agriculture Rural designation | Prevention (pre-post design) | Nutrition (and behavioral)a | 4-week intervention (2 30-minute lessons one week apart; 120-minute farm tour in week 4) | Unclear | N = 65 3rd grade students from one elementary school |
Nutrition knowledge; fruit/vegetable consumption, farm exposure; Go, Slow, Whoa foods | Positive eating fiber, fruits/vegetables contain vitamins, eating more vegetables at school; non-significant relationship between fruit/vegetable and farm tour. |
Murimi et al.97 2015 US (Louisiana) | Definition not included | Prevention (pre-post design) | Nutrition (and behavioral)a | Screening and point-of-testing counseling sessions offered every 6 months for 3 years; 6 possible testing and counseling session opportunities; 2040 minutes per counseling session; nutrition education 1 hour/week for 12 weeks | Registered dietitian, registered nurse, dietetic students | N = 233 6th-12th grade students (11–19 years old), 51% female, 58% White, 51% overweight or obese |
BMI, BP, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, student food knowledge | Significantly increased HDL and nutrition knowledge (7th and 8th grade), non-significant but stabilized weight and blood values. Participants who attended 4 sessions maintained their weight at 76th %ile; highest-risk participants, systolic BP, total cholesterol, and triglycerides lowered. |
Muth et al.54 2008 US (North Carolina) | Definition not included | Prevention (RCT) | Nutrition | 12-week curriculum, 60-minute lessons; 15-hour high school student training | Peer modeling by medical and high school students | 1 high school; 8 students trained as health educators, 10 medical students 1 elementary school, 4th grade classrooms, 2 intervention (38 students) and 2 control (37 students) classrooms |
Nutrition servings per day: fruit/vegetable, calcium foods, grains, sweet beverages, fried foods, sweets; nutrition knowledge and attitudes, PA score, sedentary score | Increased fruit/vegetable intake and nutrition knowledge. |
Nanney et al.102 2016 US (Minnesota) | 50% rural town fringe and 50% rural using National Center for Education Statistics and rural-urban commuting area codes | Prevention (RCT) | Nutrition | 1 academic year; School Breakfast Expansion Team met 5 times; Tx or delayed Tx; block randomization with 4 Tx and 4 control in each wave | School personnel implemented school-level changes; no other detail about provider | 8 schools in Wave 1; 3 schools in Wave 2; all 9th and 10th graders screened for eligibility; 904 enrolled; 54% girls and 30% non-White | Increase systolic BP participation (primary), diet quality, intention to eat school breakfast; decrease calories, BMI, body fat | Community-based approach to translate best practices; study successfully recruited 16 schools and exceeded student enrollment; few results on the intervention; schools did initiate a second chance grab and go breakfast. |
Rodriguez et al.98 2015 US (Florida) | Author reported Florida Panhandle | Prevention (qualitative) | Nutrition | Not provided | Florida A&M Extension agents | N = 60 3 focus groups; 20 participants per group; 9–12 years |
Student thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of school garden program | Students reported greater technical knowledge and liked spending time outside; talked about growing vegetables and opinions of the different vegetables grown; some participants described having tried new vegetables; however, participants did not speak about an increase in household vegetable consumption. |
Smith et al.91 2014 US (Ohio) | Author reported a rural Appalachian county | Prevention (pre-post design) | Nutrition (and policy)b | 30-day | Teen Advisory Council (teachers and students from 9th-12th grades) | N = 186 high school students in 9th-12th grades from 2 schools (mean age = 15.85 years) |
Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and water consumption: pre, post, and 30-day follow-up | Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption decreased significantly, and water consumption increased 19% from baseline to post-intervention. |
Struempler et al.92 2014 US (Alabama) | Participants from schools eligible for SNAP-Ed, with over 50% students receiving free or reduced-price lunch | Prevention (pre-post design) | Nutrition | Weekly for 17 weeks, 45-minute classes | SNAP-Ed educators | N = 2477 3rd grade students eligible for SNAP-Ed |
Fruit and vegetable consumption during lunch (self-reported food consumption) | School-based childhood obesity prevention programs as means to moderately increase fruit and vegetable consumption through the school lunch program. |
Tussing-Humphreys et al.75 2012 US (Mississippi) | Author reported “rural Lower Mississippi Delta” Hollandale, MS | Prevention (pre-post design) | Nutrition | 3 times per week over a 6-week period | Research staff, teachers | N = 187 4th-6th graders completed the study |
Fruit and vegetable recognition, willingness to try, and fruit and vegetable consumption pre- and postintervention | A fruit and vegetable snack feeding intervention can increase familiarity, and potentially, the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed by school children. |
Combined nutrition and physical activity (n = 43) | ||||||||
Bergan77 2013 US (South Dakota) | Author reported “rural” students (125-mile radius from Brookings, South Dakota) | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 6-month program; 6 40-minute lessons (6-month follow-up assessment) 2 interventions compared to control: KidsQuest (Intervention 1) and KidsQuest plus Family Fun Packs and Take 10! Activities (Intervention 2) | Trained teen teachers | N = 91 5th and 6th grade students. Mean age ranged from 10.85 to 11.04 years (128 invited to participate, 91 started the program, and 79 completed the whole study) |
Total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, BMI (assessed pre-, post-, and 6 month [12-month] follow-up) | No significant group difference in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL from pre to post and pre to follow-up; significant decrease in LDL from pre to post in Intervention 2 group; significant increase in BMI for Tx Group 1 pre to post and pre to follow-up for Tx groups 1 and 2. |
Brown103 2018 US (Washington) | Author reported rural community in eastern Washington | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 6 months | Teachers; provider of child and family intervention unclear | N = 665 (Tx = 282, control = 383) 3rd-5th grade students N = 205 (Tx = 104 and control = 101) 3rd and 4th graders assessed for nutrition and PA for comparison |
Height, weight, BMI z-scores, dietary intake, PA, sedentary behavior (assessed baseline and 6-month follow-up) | Significant improvement in light and moderate PA for the intervention group compared to control group from pre- to postassessment, and significant decrease in moderate and vigorous PA in control group; no significant group difference in dietary behaviors (fruit, vegetable, and sugar consumption) or sedentary behavior. |
Bumaryoum94 2015 US (South Dakota) | Author reported rural schools | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 6 50-minute sessions over 4–6 months | Trained teen teachers and SNAP-Ed educators | N = 254 5th and 6th grade students |
Nutrition, PA, BMI (height, weight), BP, total cholesterol, HDL, hemoglobin (assessed pre and 6 months after initiation) | No significant change in BMI, BP, total cholesterol, HDL, hemoglobin. Significant reduction in eating candy in intervention groups and increases in whole grain consumption. |
Canavera et al.59 2009 US (Kentucky) | Author reported rural Kentucky | Prevention (qualitative and pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 12-week intervention (plus focus groups conducted before) | PE and health teachers (no specialized training) | N = 122 5th grade students (mean age not reported) N = 36 focus group parent and child dyads |
PA, watching TV, drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables (pre- and post-assessments); focus group data | Generally no significant pre-post difference with exception of significant pre-post differences for expectations for watching TV, expectations for drinking water, and number of glasses of water consumed. |
Carrel et al.45 2005 US (Wisconsin) | Author reported rural | Intervention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 5 times every 2 weeks for 45 minutes; 9 months (school year) | Instructors | N = 50 obese middle school students (mean age 12 years) |
BMI, fasting glucose, insulin, body fat, fat-free mass, cardiovascular fitness (maximal oxygen consumption) | Compared with the control group, treatment group had significant decrease in body fat %, significant improvements in cardiovascular fitness, and significant improvement in fasting insulin level. |
Cason et al.47 2006 US (South Carolina) | Author reported rural underserved communities | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 7 1-hour sessions over 14 weeks | University Cooperative extension educator | N = 130 4th grade students (mean age 9 years); n = 72 control, n = 58 intervention |
PA and dietary intake knowledge and behavior, 21 items (pre, post, and 5-month follow-up) | Significant group differences (Tx group better) in washing hands, choosing healthy snacks, eating vegetables every day, trying new foods, thinking about foods being healthy, doing moderate PA, working on getting stronger, PA until sweating, exercising or dancing during TV commercials, enjoying being physically active, matching muscle group to body parts, keep-away strategies. |
Craven et al.66 2011 US (North Carolina) | Author reported rural high schools | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 4 90-minute lessons (6 hours) of nutrition education and 6 hours of PA instruction in one semester | Nutritionist and classroom teacher | N = 399 9th graders (mean age = 14.7 years) N = 214 Tx group and N = 185 control group |
Height, weight, BMI, self- reported eating behaviors (fruits, vegetables, dairy, sweet beverages, fast food), pre and post | No significant group difference in mean BMI change, but mean BMI decreased in Tx group; increases in fruit and vegetable intake for intervention group but not statistically significant (P = 0.09 and 0.08). |
Culbertson49 2007 US (Colorado) | Author reported rural | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | Bimonthly classroom; 1 hour long; 11 hours total intervention time; 2 years | Grad student and community volunteers (PE teacher, high school and nursing students, police officer, veterinarian) |
N = 82 2nd and 3rd graders; Cohort A = 37 2nd graders completing Year 1, Cohort B = 40 3rd graders completing Year 2, Cohort C = 29 2nd and 3rd graders who completed both years |
Food and PA knowledge, attitude and behavior, BMI, waist circumference, body image, pedometer step counts; pre- and post-assessments | Significant improvement in PA attitude and knowledge in Tx group compared to control group; significant improvement in dietary intake pre- and post-Tx group but no significant difference from control group; significant improvement in body image especially for females in Tx group; overall no significant change in BMI z-score; no significant group differences in pedometer steps. |
Davis et al.43 1993 US (New Mexico) | Author reported rural schools | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 5 units; 18 hours of curriculum in one semester | Classroom teachers, older members of community | N = 1543 5th grade students, 9–13 years old (participated over 5-year period) |
Health knowledge and attitudes, dietary habits, exercise behavior; height, weight, BMI, skin folds; pre and post | Significant improvement in overall knowledge in intervention schools vs. control schools; significant increase in exercise in intervention vs. control schools; significant decrease in use of butter or tortillas in intervention vs. control schools. |
Donnelly et al.44 1996 US (Nebraska) | Author reported rural | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 2 years; nutrition: 18 modules (9 modules per school year) PA: 3 days per week for 30–40 minutes |
Existing classroom teachers | 3rd and 5th grade elementary school students; N = 200 to collect lab data | Aerobic capacity, body composition, blood chemistry, nutrition knowledge, energy intake, and PA | No significant difference in Tx and control schools in weight, BMI, fat %, maximal oxygen consumption, BP, insulin, or glucose; via 24-hour recall, students in Tx schools consumed significantly less sodium vs. control schools at post; no other significant dietary difference, although lunches had less fat, sodium, and total energy; HDL cholesterol and the ratio of cholesterol to HDL significantly improved for Tx vs. control group; Tx group significantly more active at school but significantly less active outside of school vs. control schools. |
Gittelsohn and Rowan67 2011 US (Native American) | Author reported rural areas (American Indian and First Nation communities) | Prevention (qualitative) | Combined nutrition and PA | Unknown | Teachers | Elementary schools; 3rd-5th grade |
Qualitative/descriptive | Positive change in psychosocial measures and improvements in diet; no significant improvements in PA or obesity (primary outcome). |
Gombosi et al.50 2007 US (Pennsylvania) | Author reported rural county | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 5 years | Teachers, guest teachers, health curriculum coordinator | N = 4804 K-8th grade (ages 5–14 years) | BMI %, health assessments at health fairs; pre- and postassessments | Minority of teachers used provided kits; increased incidence of overweight and obesity over time; no treatment effect. |
Hao et al.110 2019 China | Author reported rural (one district of Benxi City, Liaoning Province, in Northeast China) | Intervention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | Exercise Tx: every school day for 30 minutes for 2 months; skipping rope, 3 times for 10 minutes; nutrition education, 8 45-minute meetings for 2 months (total of 6 hours) | Nutritionist, PE teacher | N = 229; n = 104 girls, n = 125 boys Overweight or obese primary school children 9–12 years of age | Anthropometric assessments (weight, height), dietary survey, nutrition knowledge, daily energy intake at baseline, after 2 months Tx (post), and 1 year follow-up | Compared to baseline, BMI significantly decreased for all 3 groups at post-intervention and follow-up; nutrition knowledge significantly improved for 2 groups who received nutrition education at both post-Tx and follow-up vs. baseline; significant decrease in energy intake post-Tx and follow-up in those who received nutrition education; significant changes in BMI standard deviation scores in exercise and nutrition education intervention, nutrition education intervention, exercise intervention, and control groups, from highest to lowest; combination Tx had best short- and long-term outcomes. |
Harrell et al.46 2005 US (Mississippi) | Author reported rural southern community (Scott County, MS) | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 16 weeks; 4 monthly sessions | Health care Professionals (pediatrician, pharmacist, Exercise physiologist, and registered dietitian) |
N = 205 5th graders (mean age 11.9 years) |
Health knowledge, height, weight, BMI, body fat %, waist circumference, dietary intake, blood lipids, blood glucose, and BP; pre and post test | Students in intervention school increased health knowledge compared to control school; significant increases in height, weight, and waist circumference over time; significant increase in vegetable consumption and decrease in soft drink consumption in Tx group compared to control group; no significant difference in other outcomes. |
Harwood60 2009 US (Ohio) | Author reported rural Appalachia (federally designated, <2500 people) | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 16 weeks: 6 45–60 minutes each (child part); parents (3 nutrition education, 5 packets); rowing twice a week for 30 minutes for 16 weeks | Research teachers |
N = 35 (n = 19 Tx group and n = 16 control group) 2nd grade students (7 and 8 years old) |
Dietary behaviors (nutrients, food groups): 3-day food log, height, weight, BMI, body fat % (skin fold), exercise test (aerobic fitness, BP, heart rate, respiratory function); pre- and postassessments | Children in Tx group significantly increased milk and magnesium compared to control group; no other significant difference in nutrition; no significant difference between groups in BMI and body fat %. |
Hawkins et al.104 2018 US (Louisiana) | Author reported rural | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 28 months | Research personnel | N = 1626 4th-6th graders (mean age = 10.5 years); n = 1195 Tx and n = 431 control |
Sodium, added sugars in lunches (baseline, 18 months, and 28 months); food selection and consumption based on digital photography | No significant group difference in energy intake at 18 months, but at 28 months, Tx group consumed significantly fewer kcals; at 18 months, sodium selection and consumption significantly increased in control group vs. Tx group and at 28 months, control group consumed more sodium compared to the Tx group; at 18 months, added sugar consumption increased in control group compared to Tx group and at 28 months, added sugar consumption significantly decreased in Tx group vs. control group; plate waste did not decrease. |
Hawley et al.48 2006 US (Kansas) | Author reported rural | Prevention (qualitative and pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | Five 40-minute session classroom program over 6 weeks | Unclear | N = 65 6th graders (and 25 families) 11–12 years old |
Nutrition and exercise knowledge; self-reported PA and eating behavior; BMI (height and weight) | No significant change in child health attitudes and behaviors; significant change in goal of eating healthfully; families significantly increased PA and significantly improved PA knowledge; no significant change in knowledge of nutrition and goal setting or importance of PA. |
Heelan et al.95 2015 US (Nebraska) | Author reported rural community (~30,000) | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | Tx phased over 6 years | School nurses, trained university volunteers | N = 2400 each year, K-5th grade, across 9 schools | Student measurements: weight, height, BMI; implementation data (frequency, duration, and magnitude of change); reach and strength of Tx strategies; behavioral outcomes included increasing PA, decreasing unhealthy/high-calorie foods, and increasing healthy food consumption | Prevalence of overweight decreased 1.2% and obesity decreased 2.5% over 6-year period; inverse relationship between the number of strategies implemented and prevalence of overweight and obesity over time. |
Hoying et al.101 2016 US | Author reported Appalachian | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | 15 sessions during one academic year | Trained health teacher | N = 24 8th grade students (mean age = 13.6 years) completed Tx |
Healthy lifestyle behaviors, physical health (BMI), and mental health symptoms, parent program evaluation; pre- and post-assessments | Significant improvement in healthy lifestyle behavioral scale at post-Tx; approaching significant improvement in self-concept at post-Tx; no significant change in anxiety, depression, anger, or disruptive behavior (greater effect size found for those who were overweight/obese). |
Langham96 2015 US (Alabama) | Author reported rural school system and medically under-served community | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | One 30-minute session | Nursing students | N = 57 3rd graders (8 to 9 years old) |
Height, weight, BMI, knowledge of nutrition, PA, and healthy behaviors (pre and post, 10 weeks) | Significant improvement in nutrition and health behavior knowledge pre and post; no significant change in BMI %ile. |
Lazorick et al.84 2014 US (North Carolina) | Author reported designed to reach rural youth | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 55 contact hours over 14–16 weeks | Trained research team member | N = 106 participated as 7th graders and 8th graders who were retained at 11th and 12th grade (originally N = 195) | Weight category, BMI, BMI z-score, BMI %ile, rates of change in BMI per month | At follow-up, Tx group decreased % overweight but comparison group increased; Tx group had higher decrease in BMI z-scores and BMI %ile than comparison; comparison group had higher increase in % overweight after 5 years compared to Tx group. |
Lazorick et al.68 2011 US (North Carolina) | Author reported rural school/county | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 55 contact hours over 14 weeks | Classroom teachers | N = 197 7th graders (mean age 13 years) Cohort 1: n = 92 Cohort 2: n = 102 |
BMI z-scores and BMI %ile (pre, post, 15 months, and 30 months) | Slight decrease in BMI for both cohorts; in overweight group significant reductions in BMI z-score and BMI %ile; little change in healthy weight subgroup post. |
Lin et al.111 2019 Taiwan | Author reported remote rural areas of Northern Taiwan | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | 8 weeks, 8 sessions, 40 minutes | Research group | N = 201 3rd and 4th graders from 8 elementary schools (8 to 12 years old) |
Conducted before and after Tx; child interest in space exploration, satisfaction, healthy eating, and PA behaviors, knowledge, height and weight to calculate BMI; teachers and PE teachers evaluated sessions; appropriateness of content, relevance to space exploration, willingness to apply program to class | Compared to control, Tx group had significant increase in healthy diet but no significant difference in healthy eating behaviors; Tx group had significantly higher active lifestyle knowledge but no significant difference in active lifestyle behaviors; no significant difference in body weight outcomes; increase in interest in space and 90% students were happy to participate. |
Ling78 2013 US (Kentucky) | Author reported rural | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and policy)b | 5 months | Trained healthy lifestyle coaches |
N = 1508 K-5th grade (mean age 8.32 years) |
PA (pedometer) and eating behavior (dietary recall) | Significant improvement in % of children meeting PA recommendations after the Tx; significant improvement in % of children meeting nutrition recommendations after Tx; significant Tx effects on PA behavior and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables; effects on nutrition and PA depended on school, age, and grade. |
Ling et al.85 2014 US (Kentucky) | School rural based on rural-urban commuting areas using census tract-level demographic and work-commuting data, and economic integration with urban areas | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and policy)b | 5 months | Trained healthy lifestyle coaches |
N = 1508 K-5th grade students (mean age 8.3 years) |
Nutrition (dietary recall) and PA (pedometer) | Intervention had significant effects on % of children meeting nutrition recommendations and intervention had significant effects on % of children who met PA recommendations; effects on nutrition and PA depended on school, age, and grade; increasing linear trend of PA and increasing quadratic trend of nutrition over time. |
Llaurado et al.86 2014 Spain | Author reported semi-rural town (minimum of 500 7- and 8-year-olds) | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 12 1-hour sessions implemented over 3-year period (22 months of Tx) | Health promoting agents (college students) | N = 690 primary school students (2nd and 3rd grade) mean age 8.04 years Intervention: n = 320, Control: n = 370 | Obesity prevalence, BMI, dietary habits and lifestyles; pre- and postassessments | No significant group difference in obesity prevalence or BMI, BMI z-score between Tx or control group post-Tx; boys in Tx group performed more PA (4 or more hours a week after school) post-Tx compared to control group; boys in Tx group also watched less TV (2 hours or less per day) post- Tx compared to boys in control group; no sign group differences found for girls. |
Naylor et al.64 2010 Canada (British Columbia) | Population and distance from nearest city (Prince Rupert); author reported Aboriginal communities in northern British Columbia | Prevention (pre-post design and qualitative) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | 15 minutes extra PA/day; ≥ 1 healthy eating activity per month | Teachers (received 2 half-days of training) | 3 schools (K to 10th grade) | Action plans; type, frequency, duration of PA and healthy eating; minutes of PA and healthy eating; activities counted and categorized; qualitative feasibility of implementation | Logging was 34% for all weeks but varied across schools; 140 minutes of PA average, scheduled PE average 1.75 times/week; healthy eating 2.27 times/week with 15.6 minutes each session; healthy eating average was 55 min/week with 4.6 activities/week; overall, acceptable to teachers and administrators; cultural adaptations recommended. |
Puma et al.80 2013 US (Colorado) | < 15,000 population; south-central Colorado | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | Implementation in 3rd grade; 28 lessons in each grade for 2 years (3rd and 4th grades); followed for ~6 years | Trained resource teacher or regular classroom teacher |
1 school district; 173 2nd graders; 190 2nd graders as controls; follow-up in 8th grade (N = 190) |
Nutrition and PA knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes and behaviors, BMI | Increase in nutrition-related knowledge and attitudes; no effect on self-efficacy or behavior change including more fruit/vegetable consumption. |
Ronsley et al.82 2013 Canada (British Columbia) | Identified as remote; communities only accessible by boat or plane; author reported Aboriginal communities in northern British Columbia | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | 10-month study; 21 lessons, each for 30 minutes; 6 fitness loops, 2 conducted per week with 2 classes at one time | Older students trained to teach younger students | 2 intervention schools (N = 118); 1 control school (N = 61); K-12th grades |
BMI, waist circumference, BP, food frequency, PA frequency, sedentary and screen time, healthy living knowledge, selfesteem | Significant decrease in BMI z-score (1.10 to 1.04, P = .028) and waist circumference (77.1 to 75.0 cm, P < .0001) and BP z-score in the Healthy Buddies (control group increased); overall, intervention was successful at decreasing BMI z-score and waist circumference; BP remained stable but increased in control group. |
Rush et al.72 2012 New Zealand (Waikato District) | Not defined, author reported | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | Weekly newsletter with healthy eating nuggets; 2 academic-year study | Trained change agent (teachers or graduates in exercise and nutrition, or physical education) | 124 schools, stratified by rurality; 62 control schools (N = 692; 5–7 years old), 62 intervention schools (N = 660; 10–12 years old) | BMI, BP, and body composition | Intervention had a more favorable, but not statistically significant, effect in rural schools; systolic BP standard deviation score was nonsignificantly lower in rural children than urban; 5–7 year olds’ body fat % significantly lower and 10–12 year olds’ systolic BP significantly lower until school clustering was controlled for (then nonsignificant). |
Schetzina et al.61 2009 US (Tennessee) | Author reported Appalachia | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and beha- vioral)a | Pre-post evaluation conducted over 18-month period | Registered dietitian, teachers, extension agents; school health staff, parent teacher organization | 114 students (53% female; 94% White); teachers (98% of K-4th grade teachers); 1 elementary school; impact of school-wide program (K-4th) on 3rd and 4th graders | BMI, diet, PA (pedometer), knowledge attitudes, perceptions, acceptability, feasibility, sustainability | No significant changes in students’ BMI z-score during the first 7 months of program evaluation; 4th graders had higher increase in BMI z-score and if overweight at start, no decrease in BMI; PA increased; fewer Whoa foods served in cafeteria; no significant changes for GO or SLOW foods. |
Schetzina et al.70 2011 US (Tennessee) | Author reported Appalachia | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA (and behavioral)a | 1 academic year; 4-year follow-up of 1 academic year pilot study | School personnel (teachers and staff) | Follow-up, N = 65 4th grade students (45% female; 90.9% White); teachers (N = 23) | Diet, PA (pedometer), cafeteria offerings, teacher implementation, teacher perception of obesity as a problem | Improved in healthy eating food score, steps/day, green and yellow foods in cafeteria, fewer red foods served (per Go, Slow, Whoa food chart); teachers’ perceptions of PA and healthy eating changed. |
Slawson et al.99 2015 US (Tennessee) | Author reported rural Appalachia in northeastern Tennessee | Prevention (RCT [abstract]) | Combined nutrition and PA | 3 months; 8 40-minute sessions | Not specified | N = 1509 high school students | BMI | Positive impact on standardized BMI z-score at 3 months post-baseline for the treatment arm. |
Smith et al.52 2007 US (Colorado, Texas, and West Virginia) | Author reported suburban/rural public schools | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | One school year | Not specified | 2nd-6th grade children in 40 classrooms in 3 states (more than 800 participants, total unknown) | Food knowledge, health knowledge, PA (steps/day), scientific knowledge of type 2 diabetes; pre and post school year | Significant increase in knowledge related to food, health, diabetes, and prevention increase and PA significantly increased. |
Tomlin et al.74 2012 Canada (British Columbia) | Author reported rural and remote communities | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 7 months | Researchers (collaborated with schools, families and communities) | N = 148 children and youth, ages 12.5 ± 2.2 years | BMI z-score, waist circumference, aerobic fitness, PA, dietary intake (healthy eating) and cardiovascular risk; pre- and post-measurements | BMI z-score remained unchanged while waist circumference z-score increased. No change was detected in PA or cardiovascular risk but aerobic fitness increased. There was an increase in variety of vegetables consumed but otherwise no dietary changes were detected. |
Valenzuela et al.83 2013 Chile (Pumanque, VI Region) | Author reported rural school | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 8 educational sessions | Not reported | N = 94 students in 1st-5th year of primary school | Malnutrition rate, obesity rate, breakfast/snack eating practices; pre and post | Obesity decreased by 2.1% after the educational program. There was a decrease of 10.6% of students who ate breakfast twice. The prevalence of school children who took a snack from home, and also bought another at school decreased. |
van Dongen et al.107 2018 Australia (New South Wales) | Author reported areas of social disadvantage | Intervention (qualitative) | Combined nutrition and PA | One 90-minute PA session per week, 20 weeks in total; teacher professional development: 2 full-day workshops (pre- and mid-program) | Teachers (teacher-led PA), students (selfmonitoring), peers (peer-mentoring) | 361 boys in year 7 (eligible if self-reported less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous PA/day or more than two hours of recreational screen time per day) | BMI, waist circumference, percentage body fat or for overall activity; boys’ attitudes and behaviors relating to PA and nutrition; need-support practices and self-reported effects | Students reported increased feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness; for intervention, no significant effects for BMI, waist circumference, percentage body fat, or for overall activity (see Smith et al., 2014117). However, there was a significant intervention effect for reduced screen time, upper body muscular endurance, and resistance training skill competency. |
Vogeltanz-Holm and Holm108 2018 US (North Dakota) | Author reported rural schools in the US upper Midwest | Prevention (pre-post design) | Combined nutrition and PA | 3 years | Trained teachers | N = 308 students followed from 3rd-5th grades, ages 6–11 years | BMI z-score (height and weight), assessments beginning of school year, end of school year, and yearly for 2 additional years | There was a significant decrease in BMI z-score across the 3-year study period. Ethnicity analyses showed that White students had overall decreases in BMI z-scores whereas American Indian students’ BMI z-scores remained stable across the program. |
Williamson et al.57 2008 US (Louisiana) | Author reported rural schools | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 28-month; weekly lessons | Research staff and teachers | N = 2097 children in 4th-6th grades (mean age 10.5 years) | Body weight, body fat, food intake, PA, sedentary behavior, and social support: assessed at 18 and 28 months | Primary prevention program resulted in prevention of weight/fat gain in White boys and girls but not in minority children. Addition of the secondary prevention program to the primary prevention program yielded some behavioral changes, but had minimal effects on measures of adiposity. |
Williamson et al.65 2010 US (Louisiana) | Author reported rural schools | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 3 years; weekly lessons of 20–25 minutes, PA of 30 minutes | Research staff and teachers | 17 school clusters; N = 2102 students from 4th-6th grades | BMI z-scores, BMI %ile, body fat, food selections, food intakes, PA, sedentary behavior, psychosocial variables (mood, eating attitudes, and social support for diet and PA) | No results provided; research was ongoing and no results available. |
Williamson et al.76 2012 US (Louisiana) | Author reported rural communities | Prevention (RCT) | Combined nutrition and PA | 28-month; weekly lessons of 20–25 minutes, PA of 30 minutes | Research staff and teachers | N = 2060 children 4th-6th grades | Body fat, BMI z-scores, dietary intake, PA, and sedentary behavior | Changes in percent body fat % and BMI z-scores, and changes in behaviors related to energy balance were observed. Prevention program was effective for reducing body fat % in boys and attenuating body fat % gain in girls. Comparisons of two treatment arms and control on changes in body fat and BMI z-scores found no differences. |
Zaremba Morgan et al.93 2014 US (Alabama) | Author reported rural elementary schools | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Combined nutrition and PA | 10-week | Trained teachers | N = 85 4th graders | Anthropometric measures: height, weight, and BMI; nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors; food self-efficacy, PA self-efficacy, and PA knowledge; healthy body image and attempted weight loss, healthy body size perception, food intake, self-perceptions, avatar assessment | Intervention improved nutrition knowledge and attitudes but no significant changes in anthropometric measures, food intake, selfperceptions. |
Policy (n = 9) | ||||||||
Belansky et al.58 2009 US (Colorado) | Author defined rural and low-income schools (outside urban areas) | Prevention (pre-post design) | Policy | Not specified | Not specified | 45 rural elementary schools | School environment and health policy survey: PA and nutrition, presence and enforcement of policies; key informant interviews | Compared 2005–06 school year to 2007–08 school year, time in PA increased 14 minutes/week (not significant change), time for recess decreased 19 minutes/week (not significant change); policies did not change participation; barriers identified included competing pressures, lack of resources devoted to policy, principals being unfamiliar with policy, lack of accountability mechanisms. |
Ling78 2013 US (Kentucky) | Author reported rural | Prevention (pre-post design) | Policy (and combined nutrition and PA)b | 5 months | Trained healthy lifestyle coaches |
N = 1508 K-5th grade (mean age 8.3 years) |
PA (pedometer) and eating behavior (dietary recall) | Significant improvement in % of children meeting PA recommendations after treatment; significant improvement in % of children meeting nutrition recommendations after treatment; significant treatment effects on PA behavior and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables; effects on nutrition and PA depended on school, age, and grade. |
Ling et al.85 2014 US (Kentucky) | School rural based on rural-urban commuting areas, using census tract-level demographic and work-commuting data, and economic integration with urban areas | Prevention (pre-post design) | Policy (and combined nutrition and PA)b | 5 months | Trained healthy lifestyle coaches |
N = 1508 K-5th grade students (mean age 8.3 years) |
Nutrition (dietary recall) and PA (pedometer) | Intervention had significant effects on % of children meeting nutrition recommendations and on % of children who met PA recommendations; effects on nutrition and PA depended on school, age, and grade; increasing linear trend of PA and increasing quadratic trend of nutrition over time. |
Oluyomi et al.89 2014 US (Texas) | Definition not included (home addresses were geocoded) | Prevention (cross-sectional) | Policy (and PA)b | 5 year implementation project; Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation; cross- sectional study | Not described | N = 830 parent-student (4th grade) dyads | Self-reported child walking to school; perceived traffic and personal safety concerns for neighborhood, en route to school, school environments, social capital | Odds of walking to school were higher with no problems related to traffic speed, amount of traffic, sidewalks, intersection safety, crossing guards; odds of walking to school were lower with stray animals and concerns with no walking partner. |
Ramirez and Stafford81 2013 US (California) | Stated rural region, town of < 6000 population) | Prevention (descriptive) | Policy | state-wide; ongoing | Policy implementation at school level | Students in San Joaquin Valley, CA | Weight, decrease in sugar-sweetened beverage, increased water consumption | Some schools have to buy water because tap is contaminated; overall, in addition to policy, need to address infrastructure for providing students with free, clean drinking water in order to prevent disparities in access. |
Ritchie69 2011 US (West Virginia) | Not defined | Prevention (pre-post design) | Policy (and behavioral)a | 15 weeks; 30 minutes of cognitive behavior skills building education, followed by 20 minutes of PA; parental newsletter every 4 weeks during 15 week intervention | Nurse practitioner or registered nurse | N = 55 9th graders |
BMI, BMI %, teen healthy lifestyle behavior, cognitive beliefs, perceived difficulty in leading a healthy lifestyle, self-esteem, and parent’s healthy lifestyle behaviors, beliefs, and perceived difficulty in leading a healthy lifestyle | Students’ healthy behavior improved from Time 1 (mean = 51.32, standard deviation = 11.15) to Time 2 (mean = 57.45, standard deviation = 9.71), t (43) 3.93, P = 0.000. Subgroup with low self-esteem improved. 49% lost weight, 6% maintained their weight. BMI % improved in 7 teens (moving from obese to overweight or overweight to healthy weight); 1 increased BMI%. |
Robinson et al.90 2014 US (Alabama) | Author reported 1 county in Black Belt Region | Prevention (cross-sectional) | Policy (and PA)b | Alabama requires daily PE for 30 minutes per day by certified PE teacher; recess and other activities are not included and are considered extra | Certified PE instructor | 5 elementary schools; N = 683 school-age children (341 female; 342 male); mean age 8.2 years; 99.9% Black | BMI, weight status, waist circumference; PA behavior (pedometer step count, System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time, and the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth) | Overall, PE and PA state-level policies were only partially implemented; large discrepancy between what is scheduled at school level and what is actually being implemented; PA during PE was students’ only opportunity for school PA. |
Schetzina et al.62 2009 US (Tennessee) | Author reported Appalachia | Prevention (qualitative) | Policy | Not applicable | Not applicable | 60–90 minute focus groups with adults (23 teachers, 12 parents), and 30–40 minute focus groups with students (19 4th grade students) | Community-needs assessment; qualitative outcomes from focus groups using open-ended questions about school nutrition and PA practices and resources, perceptions of student overweight/obesity; outcomes analyzed using the Coordinated School Health Program model as an analysis framework | Community concerned about obesity, and supports schools doing more; all thought there was a need for healthy eating and PA; parents worried about kid hunger and not in favor of measuring BMI; kids and parents wanted more PA in school; noted school environment, academic pressure, and lack of parental support as barriers. |
Smith and Holloman91 2014 US (Ohio) | Author reported a rural Appalachian county | Prevention (pre-post design) | Policy (and nutrition)b | 30-day | Teen advisory council (teachers and students from 9th-12th grades) | N = 186 high school students 9th-12th grades from 2 schools (mean age 15.85 years) |
Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and water consumption pre, post, and 30-day follow-up | Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption decreased significantly, and water consumption increased 19% from baseline to post-intervention. |
Other (n = 8) | ||||||||
Askelson et al.109 2019 US (Iowa) | Author reported 5 schools located in rural areas | Prevention (pre-post design) | other | 1 school year | Nutrition researchers | 6 middle schools: 5 rural schools and 1 non-rural school; food service director and staff and student group | Lunchroom perception assessment completed by students, online survey (student, parents, and food service staff), production records (fruit, vegetable, and milk) and telephone interviews with food service directors | 5 out of 6 schools improved lunchroom assessment; 2 out of 5 schools increased servings of fruit; and 3 out of 5 increased servings of vegetables and milk; all food service directors described treatment as successful, and improved communication with students was an important outcome. |
Gabriele et al.63 2010 US (Louisiana) | Author reported rural school | Prevention (RCT, secondary) | Other (program evaluation) | Weekly for 2.5 school- year period (32 lessons, 5 were repeated = total of 37 lessons); new lesson every 2 weeks | Internet counselor (had bachelor’s degree or higher degree in nutrition, health behavior, psychology, or exercise and sport science); teachers did classroom activities | N = 773 students in 4th-6th grades from 14 schools (mean age 10.5 years) | Treatment implementation information presented; BMI not reported | 12 of 14 schools participated; 763 students accessed site at least 1 time; required 1174 hours of internet counselor coverage to implement. |
Muzaffar et al.105 2018 Multiple countries (US, Australia, England) | Definition not included | Combined prevention and intervention (RCT and quasi-experimental) | Other (systematic review) | 3–5 sessions | Registered dietitian, trained staff, teachers, parents, volunteers, chefs, and undetermined | 6 intervention studies; included children and early adolescents | Food prep, cooking confidence, trying new foods, cooking attitudes, behaviors, behavioral intentions, fruit and vegetable preference, theoretical constructs (perceptions), anthropometrics (BMI), BP, diet intake, visual estimate intake whole grains and vegetables | Improvement in cooking and healthy eating, cooking self-efficacy, cooking behavioral intentions, food-prep frequency, knowledge, healthy diet intake, BMI, BP. |
Ning et al.88 2014 China (Qingdao) | Not defined | Prevention (RCT) | Other | Information not provided | Information not provided | 15,095 primary and secondary school children/adolescents | Prevalence of overweight/obesity, PA, sedentary time | No difference in overweight/obesity prevalence between health education and control groups; weight, BMI, TV time, homework significantly lower in education group (P < 0.001); increased awareness of type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk factors higher in education group. |
Sanigorski et al.56 2008 Australia (Colac, Victoria) | Author reported town of about 11,000 inhabitants in rural area | Prevention (quasi-experimental) | Other (Community Capacity Building) | 3 years | Colac Area Health, Colac Otway Shire and Colac Neighborhood Renewal; Deakin University provided support | 4 preschools and 6 primary schools at baseline (2003, N = 1001) and follow-up (2006, N = 839) Controls: 4 preschools and 12 primary schools baseline (N = 1183) and follow-up in (2006, N = 979) | Differences in the increases in anthropometry (weight, waist, waist-to-height ratio and BMI z-score) over time and the relationship between baseline indicators of children’s household socioeconomic status | Intervention significantly lower increases in body weight, waist, and BMI z-score. |
Schiller et al.51 2007 US (Colorado) | Author reported, Fort Collins, CO | Prevention (pre-post design [abstract]) | Other (body science focus) | 8-week program | Not determined | Teachers and 6th grade students from 1 school; specifics not included | Knowledge, attitudes, body acceptance, interest in science-health careers | Better health and science knowledge (brain science), attitudes (mental illness), behaviors (sensory physiology, increased body acceptance), and increased interest in science/health-related careers. |
Slaney et al.73 2012 Australia (Mansfield in NE Victoria) | Author reported rural campus near Mansfield in NE Victoria, Australia | Prevention (pre-post design) | Other (residential school program) | 10 months (Feb-Nov) | Not specified | N = 1021 year 9 students (mean age 14.9 years) | BMI pre and post | Participation in program reduced BMI of boys who were in normal to obese range but not in girls. |
Whelan et al.112 2019 Australia (Victoria) | Author reported rural and remote | Prevention (pre-post design) | Other (communityled local determinants) | 3.5 years | Communityled | Community; workplaces and children in kindergarten | Community readiness assessments, community-based systems dynamics, workforce audit, policy audit and changes in kindergartens, workplaces, schools, food supply audit, preexisting anthropometric data analysis, sales data, lunchbox audits and key informant interviews | Local children at 3.5 years recorded a lower prevalence of overweight and obesity compared to state’s average (11.4% vs. 20%). Discretionary foods in kindergarten lunchboxes was significantly reduced. Workforce audits revealed 1.3 full time equivalent available for obesity prevention (7000 km2). |
%ile, percentile; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; K, kindergarten; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; PA, physical activity; PE, physical education; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SNAP-Ed, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education; Tx, treatment; US, United States
The prevention program also included behavioral components.
The prevention program is listed in the table under more than one component.