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. 2023 Jun 5;14:1158760. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1158760
Sr. no. Practice Description of practice Duration (mins)
1. Heartfulness meditation-morning Participants were asked to sit comfortably and with their eyes closed, were made to focus their attention on the source of light that is present within the heart. Rather than strictly trying to visualize this, participants were asked to simply tune in to their hearts and be open to any experience that they may feel (van’t Westeinde and Patel, 2022) 30
2. Heartfulness rejuvenation/cleaning-evening Participants were asked to imagine that stress and heaviness (‘impurities and complexities’) were escaping through the back of their body in the form of smoke or vapour. And, feelings of purity, lightness, and freshness replaced these impurities (van’t Westeinde and Patel, 2022) 15
3. Heartfulness bed-time relaxation and meditation before sleeping – night time Participants were asked to recite the Heartfulness prayer, followed by 10 min of meditation in order to strengthen one’s connection to the source (van’t Westeinde and Patel, 2022). 15