Fig. 5. Ratios of GMTs of anti-hemagglutinin antibodies after vaccination with mRNA-1010 compared with Afluria in adults in Part 2.
Ratios of HAI GMTs with associated 95% CIs against vaccine-matched seasonal influenza strains (A/Wisconsin/588/2019[H1N1]pdm09, A/Cambodia/e0826360/2020[H3N2], B/Washington/02/2019 (B/Victoria lineage), and B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)) at 28 days after vaccination with mRNA-1010 compared with Afluria are shown for participants a 18–49 years, b 50–64 years, and c ≥65 years of age in the per-protocol population for Part 2. Horizontal dotted line indicates a GMT ratio of 1, which reflects comparable GMTs between mRNA-1010 and Afluria. Numbers of participants in the Alfuria groups were 20 (18–49 years), 20 (50–64 years), and 12 ( ≥65 years); numbers of participants in the mRNA-1010 groups were 55 (25 µg), 53 (50 µg), and 58 (100 µg) for 18–49 years; 57 (25 µg), 54 (50 µg), and 54 (200 µg) for 50–64 years; and 31 (25 µg), 31 (50 µg), and 30 (100 µg) for ≥65 years. CI confidence interval, HAI hemagglutination inhibition, GMT geometric mean titer, LLOQ lower limit of quantification, mRNA messenger RNA, ULOQ upper limit of quantification.