A, B. Data are jittered for display purposes only; precise allele counts and BayPR probabilities are provided in Supplemental Table 1. A. A total of 41 CFTR variants with disease assignment of varying clinical consequences are plotted by BayPR probabilities and CFTR2 allele count and show a wide distribution. Of those, 16 variants have probabilities <20%, 17 variants have probabilities >80%, and 8 have probabilities between 20% and 80%. B. A total of 58 PAH variants associated with MHP are plotted by BIOPKU allele count and BayPR probabilities and show a wide distribution. Of those, 44 have probabilities >80% and 5 variants have probabilities <10%; the remaining 9 variants fall between 20% and 80% probability of belonging to the disease-causing component. CFTR2, Clinical and Functional Translation of CFTR; MHP, mild hyperphenylaninemia.