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. 2023 Jun 20;23:1186. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-16079-8

Table 4.

Description of outcome measures and findings

Study Mental health-related outcome(s) Questionnaire/assessment method used Times of outcome measurement
1. Brodsky, 2021 [53] Health-related QoL SF-12 Before and after 4 weeks intervention
2. Bogolepova et al., 2021 [51] Anxiety, depression HADS Before and after 60 days of the intervention
3. Tereshin et al., 2021 [52] Depression HDRS Before and at the end of the intervention
4. Fowler-Davis et al., 2021 [54] QoL EQ-5D Before and after intervention
5. Harenwall et al., 2021 [55]

Health-related QoL

General health


Single item visual analog scale

Retrospective pre-Covid, before and after intervention
6. Łuckoś et al., 2021 [56] Neuropsychological functioning Standard Polish version of Mindstreams™ Interactive Computer Tests Before and after intervention
7. Compagno et al., 2022 [57] Health-related QoL, depression, anxiety SF-36, Zung SRDS, Zung SRAS Before and after intervention
8. Esin et al., 2022 [50] Anxiety, depression, Health-related QoL and sleep



Before and after intervention
9. Brough et al., 2022 [58] Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social wellbeing WHHQ-18 At the start of the first and last session of the intervention
10. Wagner et al., 2022 [59] Anxiety, depression, health related QoL, perceived stress, resilience SF-36, GAD-7, PHQ-9, PSS-10, BRS Before, immediately after intervention and 6 weeks later
11. Garcia-Molina et al., 2022 [60] Anxiety and depression HADS Before intervention, during last week of intervention and 6–7 months later
12. Philip et al., 2022 [61] Health-related QoL SF-36 At first week and at last week of intervention
13. Tobinick et al., 2022 [62] Depression BDI-II Before and 24 h after intervention and 29 days later
14. Wang et al., 2022 [63] Anxiety Scale of 0 to 10 Daily
15. Skilbeck, 2022 [64] QoL, depression, anxiety COV19-QoL scale, PHQ-9, GAD-7

Before, immediately

after the intervention and 3 months later

16. Orendáčová et al., 2022 [65] Anxiety, depression BAI, BDI-II Before starting and after completing the intervention, and one week and one month later
17. Koliadenko et al., 2022 [66]

Depression, anxiety, stress

wellbeing, activity, mood


Spielberger-Khanin scale of reactive and personal anxiety, WAM

At the initial visit, at the end of the intervention, and 3–6 months later

BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory-II, BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory, BRS Brief Resilience Scale, DASS-21 Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21, EQ-5D-5L Euro-Quality of Life-5D, GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder-7, FAS Fatigue Assessment Scale, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HDRS Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire, PSS-10 Perceived Stress Scale-10, SF-12 Short Form-12 items, SF-36 Short Form-36, WAM Wellbeing, Activity and Mood questionnaire, WHHQ-18 Warwick Holistic Health Questionnaire, Zung SRDS Self-Rating Depression Scale, Zung SRAS Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, QoL quality of life