Fig. 4.
Survey of genes associated with tissue features of O. minuta. a Presence/absence in O. minuta, which has syncytial tissues, of genes involved in epithelial functions (in Bilateria) compared to sponges in the three other poriferan classes, which have cellular tissues. b Phylogenetic relationships between metazoan taxa where multiciliated cells (MCC) have been reported (red stars). c O. minuta larvae possess MCC, seen clearly in only one other group of deep-water demosponges (cladorhizids). The diagram of a larva (on the left) shows the position of MCC (red arrows) several cilia are visible in cross section in the TEM picture on the right (photo credits Sally Leys). d Survey of genes involved in MCC differentiation in vertebrates. e Survey of genes involved in ciliogenesis and basal body duplication in bilaterians