DLin-MC3-DMA conjugated siRNAs have distinct physicochemical properties (A.) High Performance Liquid Chromatography spectra at pH 6.4 of unconjugated, cholesterol, and DLin-MC3-DMA-conjugated siRNA sense strands show variation in retention time (B.) Hydrodynamic diameter (nm) of unconjugated, cholesterol, and DLin-Mc3-DMA-conjugated siRNA determined by Dynamic Light Scattering. PdI = Polydispersity Index. (C.) Transmission electron microscopy for unconjugated, cholesterol and DLin-MC3-DMA siRNAs at 33 μM. Images are taken with different magnifications: X87 (scale = 200 nm), X43 (scale = 500 nm) and X26.5 (scale = 1 μm) magnifications.