Overview of the HGSC organoid collection
(A) Growth curves of successful organoid cultures in M1 (n = 7), M2 (n = 10) and selected unsuccessful cultures (n = 4).
(B and C) Categorization of established HGSC organoid cultures according to the clinical course phase at sampling (B) and FIGO stage at diagnosis (C).
(D) Tumor purity of tumor samples and corresponding organoid cultures presented as mean ± SD.
(E) Bright-field images of selected organoid cultures depicting various organoid morphologies. Passage numbers (P) indicated in top-right corners. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(F) HE and IHC staining of EOC1120_pOme tumor tissue, organoids derived from it and organoids derived from relapsed tumor (EOC1120_rAsc). Organoids demonstrate morphological features similar to the original tissue, including nuclear pleomorphism, adenopapillary growth pattern, and positive staining for PAX8, WT1, and CK7. They are also more proliferative than the original tissue, depicted by higher Ki-67 expression. Scale bar, 100 μm.
See also Figure S3.