Figure 5.
HGSC organoids preserve transcriptomic features of original tumors
(A) UMAP visualization of 30,492 cells from 7 organoid cultures and their tissue controls (with addition of EOC883_pAdn tumor sample) with color-coded assignment to particular sample.
(B) The same UMAP visualization with color-coded assignment to particular cell type (tumor, stromal, or immune).
(C) Single-cell expression of PAX8, DCN, PTPRC, or VIM visualized in the same UMAP plot.
(D) Heatmap displaying overall correlation scores between the patient-specific marker expression derived from organoids vs. the original patient material.
(E) Pearson correlation plot of patient-specific markers expression in EOC677_pAsc tumor sample and corresponding organoids.
(F) Single-cell CNV plots from EOC667_pAsc and EOC667_r2Asc organoids and EOC667_pAsc and EOC677_rAsc tumor samples, inferred using InferCNV and classified into 3 subclusters. All analyzed samples are represented in each of the subclusters.
(G) Heatmap displaying cosine distances between all subclusters in all samples, demonstrating patient-specific clustering of organoids and matching tissue samples.
ee also Figure S5.