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. 2023 Jun 20;18(6):e0286759. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286759

Table 4. Unadjusted and adjusted odds of prediabetes for percent intakes of total added sugara in U.S. adults ≥20 years with normoglycemia and prediabetes, the NHANESb 2013–2018.

    Estimatec SEd p value ORe 95% CIf
Unadjusted (N = 5,306)g Intercept .246 .083 .57 - -
<10% (Ref.h) - - - - -
10–15% -.072 .094 .44 .93 .77–1.12
>15% .025 .112 .82 1.03 .82–1.28
Adjusted (N = 4,617)i,j Intercept -2.74 .378 .21 - -
<10% (Ref.) - - - - -
10–15% -.197 .115 .09 .82 .65–1.04
  >15% -.044 .129 .73 .96 .74–1.24
Age (yr) .042 .003 < .01 1.04 1.04–1.05
Gender Female (Ref.) - - - - -
Male .637 .120 < .01 1.89 1.49–2.41
Race/ethnicity Non-Hispanic White (Ref.) - - - - -
Non-Hispanic Black .089 .104 .40 1.09 .89–1.35
Hispanic (including Mexican American and Latino) .373 .124 < .01 1.45 1.13–1.86
Asian American .762 .124 < .01 2.14 1.67–2.75
Other Race .736 .208 < .01 2.09 1.37–3.17
BMIk Underweight ≤ 18.49 kg/m2 (Ref.) - - - - -
Normal 18.5–24.99 kg/m2 .006 .215 .98 1.01 .65–1.55
Overweight 25–29.99 kg/m2 .615 .257 .02 1.85 1.10–3.10
Obese ≥30 kg/m2 1.14 .246 < .01 3.12 1.90–5.12
Total energy intake (kcall/day) .00006 .0001 .51 1.00 1.00–1.00
Moderate and/or vigorous physical activitym No (Ref.) - - - - -
Yes -.173 .099 .09 .84 .69–1.03
Smoking statusn Smoker (Ref.) - - - - -
Non-smoker -.034 .131 .79 .97 .74–1.26
Educationo <High school degree (Ref.) - - - - -
High School Degree .266 .149 .08 1.31 .97–1.76
>High School Degree -.041 .152 .79 .96 .71–1.30
PIRp <1.3 (Ref.) - - - - -
1.3–1.85 .135 .128 .30 1.14 .89–1.48
>1.85 -.002 .139 .99 1.00 .76–1.32

aPercent intakes of total added sugar were based on a percent estimate of usual intake of added sugar (g) converted into kcals and divided by total daily calories (kcals)

bNHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

cEstimate (β Coefficient) for added sugar (g) intake represents a change in the odds of having prediabetes for every 1-gram increase in added sugar.

dSE = standard error

eOR = odds ratio

fCI = confidence interval

gModel fit- C statistic: .501

hRef = reference category

iModel fit- C statistic: .733. N’s between unadjusted and adjusted models differ due to missing covariates included in the adjusted model

jCovariates included in the adjusted models are age, gender, race/ethnicity, BMI, total calorie intake (kcal/day), moderate and/or vigorous physical activity, smoking status, education, family poverty to income ratio (PIR).

kBMI = body mass index and was based on standard weight status categories using CDC criteria for underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese.

lkcal = kilocalories NHANES

m Physical activity was based on self-reported data of participant engagement in ≥10 minutes of moderate or vigorous recreational activity during a typical week (yes/no)

nSmoking status was based on self-reported data about the use of tobacco products within the last 5 days (yes/no). Smoker was defined as using products within the last 5 days. Non-smoker was defined as no use of tobacco products within the last 5 days.

oEducation was based on self-reported data asking participants their highest grade or level of school completed/received. < High school includes less than high school degree or no high school diploma. High school includes being a graduate or having a GED or equivalent. > High school includes some college/ associate degree or greater.

pPIR = family poverty to income ratio. <1.0 indicates below PIR, 1.0–2.9 indicates at or above PIR, and ≥ 3.0 indicates above PIR.