Pepper NLR pair (CaNRC8/CaRpi‐blb2a) trigger HR against Avrblb2 and resistance to P. infestans in N. benthamiana. (a) Phylogeny of CNL‐G1 NLRs (Rpi‐blb2 clade) of four Solanaceae plants (tomato, potato, pepper, and N. benthamiana) showing reference CNL‐G1 NLRs (Rpi‐blb2, Mi‐1.2, and Hero, black boxes), pepper NLRs (white boxes), CaRpi‐blb2a (blue box), and CaRpi‐blb2b (red box). (b) CaNRC8/CaRpi‐blb2a or Rpi‐blb2, CaNRC9a/CaRpi‐blb2b or Rpi‐blb2 pairs triggered more intense HR‐like cell death when co‐expressed with Avrblb2 than with GFP (negative control). HR intensity of each combination was calculated by averaging the HR index of 12 infiltrated spots. Statistical significance was analysed using the t‐test (error bars represent SEM from 12 replicates; **P < 0.05; ***P < 0.005; ****P < 0. 0001). (c) Expression of CaNRC8/CaRpi‐blb2a conferred resistance against Pi T30‐4 compared to GFP‐expression in the other half of the same leaves in NbNRC4‐knockout N. benthamiana. The number of growing lesions/total inoculation sites is indicated on the upper right of each image. (d) Average lesion size of Pi T30‐4. Statistical significance was analysed using the t‐test (error bars indicate SEM; ****P < 0.0001).