Figure 9 .
EN460 (an ERO1 inhibitor) protects cells from erastin-induced ferroptosis
(A‒D) Levels of NO (A,B) and ROS (C,D) after treatment with 1 μM erastin± 40 μM EN460 for 8 h: fluorescence microscopy images (A,C) and quantitative intensity values (B,D). Scale bar: 45 μm. (E,F) Levels of lipid ROS after treatment with 1 μM erastin± 40 μM EN460 for 8 h: flow cytometry data (E), quantitative intensity values (F). (G) Cell viability change after treatment with 1 μM erastin± 40 μM EN460 for 24 h. Data are presented as the mean±SE. n=3. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 vs the control group.