Fig. 14.
Maximum likelihood phylogenomic tree of Fusarium and allied genera. A total of 1 001 single-copy orthologs were employed in the analysis. Stylonectria norvegica IHI 201603 was used as an outgroup. Strains sequenced in this study were indicated in red. The IQ-TREE ultrafast bootstrap support values (UFBoot ≥ 95 %), gCF and sCF values were displayed at the nodes (UFBoot / gCF / sCF). Arrows “F1” (= “Terminal Fusarium clade”), “F2” and “F3” indicate the three alternative Fusarium generic hypotheses sensu Geiser et al. (2013). Ex-type, ex-epitype and ex-neotype strains were indicated in bold with T, ET, and NT, respectively. Subdivision of the Fusarium clade represents the recognised species complexes, including F. aywerte SC (FASC), F. buharicum SC (FBSC), F. burgessii SC (FburSC), F. chlamydosporum SC (FCSC), F. concolor SC (FCOSC), F. falsibabinda SC (FFBSC), F. fujikuroi SC (FFSC), F. heterosporum SC (FHSC), F. incarnatum-equiseti SC (FIESC), F. lateritium SC (FLSC), F. newnesense SC (FnewSC), F. nisikadoi SC (FNSC), F. oxysporum SC (FOSC), F. redolens SC (FRSC), F. sambucinum SC (FSAMSC), F. torreyae SC (FtorSC) and F. tricinctum SC (FTSC).