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. 2023 Jun 21;124:106585. doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106585

i Set of test kits.
H Set of hospitals
hH Set of Hospitals with incinerators
hH Set of Hospitals without incinerators
t Set of time periods
r Set of candidate locations for the DC
k Set of candidate locations for the landfill
p Set of manufacturers of internal test kits
p Set of suppliers of foreign test kits


TCpir The cost of transporting a test kit type i from the manufacturer P to the DC r per unit distance
TCPir The cost of transporting a test kit type i from the supplier P to the DC r per unit distance
TCriH The cost of transporting a test kit type i from the DC r to the hospital H per unit distance
TChik The cost of transporting a test kit type i from the hospital h to the landfill k per unit distance
LCi Cost of product landfilling operations i
OCi Cost of product burning operation i
PECi The cost of purchasing each Iranian test kit i
PFCi The cost of purchasing each foreign test kit i
FCr The cost of establishing DC r
FCk The cost of establishing landfill center k
DiHt The amount of demand for product i in hospital H at period t
EG Carbon emission rate of kit incineration
EV Carbon emission rate due to the transporting the kits by vehicle per unit distance
CC The capacity of each vehicle
CI The limited capacity of DC
DSpr The amount of distance between manufacturer p and DC r
DSpr The amount of distance between supplier p and DC r
DSrH The amount of distance between DC r and hospital H
DShk The amount of distance between hospital h and landfill center k
ICi The inventory holding cost for product i at each period
Rpr Population density rate, in the path of manufacturer p to the DC r
Rpr Population density rate, in the path of supplier p to the DC r
RrH Population density rate, in the path of DC r to the hospital H
Rhk Population density rate, in the path of hospital h to the landfill center k
CBi The penalty cost of shortage for kit i at each period.
M The big number

Decision variables

Yr If DC r is opened:1; otherwise, 0
Yk If landfill center k is opened:1; otherwise, 0
Qpirt The number of kits type i transported from the manufacturer p to the DC r at period t
QPirt The number of kits type i transported from the supplier P to the DC r at period t
XriHt The number of kits type i transported from the DC r to the hospital H at period t
RSiht The number of products i that must be incinerated in hospital h at period t
RDhikt The number of products i that must be transported from the hospital h to the landfill center k to be buried at period t

Irit Inventory level of Kit i in the DC r at the end of each period t.
Eprt If DC r is assigned to manufacturer p in period t :1 and; otherwise, 0
Eprt If DC r is assigned to supplier p in period t :1 and; otherwise, 0
ErHt If hospital H is assigned to DC r in period t :1 and; otherwise, 0
Ehkt If landfill center k is assigned to hospital h in period t :1 and; otherwise, 0
BiHt The amount of shortage for each type of product i in hospital H at period t
Nprt The number of vehicles used in the rout of manufacturer p to DC r at period t
Nprt The number of vehicles used in the rout of supplier p to DC r at period t
NrHt The number of vehicles used in the rout of DC r to hospital H at period t
Nhkt The number of vehicles used in the rout of hospital h to landfill center k at period t