Fig. 2.
Impact of central blockade of GRK2 on the timing of puberty onset in female rats. Immature female rats were injected icv with the GRK2 inhibitor, βARK1-I (red symbols), every 12 h, from PND25 to PND34; females injected icv with vehicle (VEH; grey symbols) served as controls (N = 11 rats/group). The parameters presented are: cumulative percentage of vaginal opening (VO; panel A) and first estrus (B), LH (C) and FSH (D) levels, as well as uterus (E) and ovary (F) weights. In addition, the histological score of follicular development/ovulation (Pub-score; panel G) and representative images of ovarian maturation (H) are presented from both groups. Data represent mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 vs. the vehicle-treated group (Student t-test). CL: corpus luteum.