Site Status Impact (Single- vs. Multi-site)
Neither Situation is Better than the Other |
10 (63) |
We have a large patient population that is very willing to participate in studies.
There are many factors-number of sites is only one.
It depends on the eligibility.
The patients seek access to new agents regardless of other site involvement.
Both types require special expedients, but when done right, both work well.
Some participants find it appealing to be part of a multi-center trial, and others are more likely to consent to a small study.
In my experience, it hasnt mattered.
Have not noticed a difference—either way, recruitment here is up to us.
Easier Recruitment in Multi-Center Studies |
4 (25) |
Easier Recruitment in Single-Center Studies |
2 (12) |
It is easier when the PI is recruiting and less easy when it involves the use of research coordinators.
Because when single site, we can optimize the protocol for local enrollment.
Funding Source Impact
Definitely Yes |
1 (6) |
Probably Yes |
6 (38) |
Funding source influences per patient site reimbursement.
Incentives may be greater for industrial studies—can motivate recruiting staff.
More money to budget towards advertisement.
Advertisements, handouts.
If an investigator-initiated study, we will write a better protocol.
Funding can often support additional research staff.
Might or Might Not |
3 (19) |
Probably No |
5 (31) |
I do not think patients care.
Participants are not aware of funding source at outset/
The distinction is usually always well understood by patients.
Again, other factors are more important.
Patients or volunteers are most interested in the science, not the sponsor.
Definitely No |
1 (6) |