MC-LR accumulation in the ovary and examination of follicle maturation in response to MC-LR exposure. (A) Ovarian accumulation of MC-LR examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC). (B) Diameters of late-staged antral follicles isolated from mice treated with PBS ( follicles from 6 ovaries) and MC-LR ( follicles from 8 ovaries). (C) Representative histological images of late-staged antral follicles in ovaries from PBS- or MC-LR–treated mice. (D) Expression of follicle maturation-related genes in isolated large antral follicles from PBS- or MC-LR–treated mice. and 25 follicles were isolated from 5 mice treated with PBS and MC-LR, respectively. Expression and quantification of (E) LHCGR and (F) and PAPPA in late-staged antral follicles in PBS- or MC-LR–treated ovaries examined by IHC. Data were analyzed with Student’s -test (B,D,E,F). Bidirectional error bars represent ; * and **. Data in (B,D–F) are also presented in Tables S11, S13–S15, respectively. Note: MC-LR, microcystin-LR; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.