Fig 4. Leave-one-out cross-validation of phylogenetic mixed models fitted to plaque assay, OD, and qPCR data.
Predictions of “unknown” trait values from a leave-one-out cross-validation of phylogenetic model (2) for binary plaque assay (A), continuous (PFU/μL) plaque assay (B), change in OD with infection (C) and fold changes in viral load measured by qPCR (D). Each datapoint represents an individual strain of Staphylococcaceae whose measured trait value has been removed from model (2) and predicted from its evolutionary relationships to other Staphylococcaceae isolates and their trait values. Solid diagonal lines illustrate the location of 1:1 predictions and dotted lines indicate the root-mean-squared errors around these lines. Orange vertical lines represent the predicted trait values of all strains from a null (intercept only) model. For panels B, C, and D, points plotted in pink show the S. aureus strains whereas points plotted in grey show the non-S. aureus strains.