Recall that Pτ(t) denotes the fraction of the population practicing disease-avoiding behaviors at time t. The value of Pτ(t), a step function, is determined by one or more setpoint parameters, denoted p0, p1, etc. The Navajo Nation setpoint function parameter has the following maximum a posteriori (MAP) value: p0 = 0.35. The Arizona setpoint function parameters have the following MAP values: p0 = 0.60 and p1 = 0.5. The Colorado setpoint function parameters have the following MAP values: p0 = 0.47, p1 = 0.27, and p2 = 0.11. The New Mexico setpoint function parameters have the following MAP values: p0 = 0.34, p1 = 0.19, and p2 = 0.05. The Utah setpoint function parameters have the following MAP values: p0 = 0.43, p1 = 0.35, and p2 = 0.21 For each region of interest, the NPI switch times, τ = {τ1, …,τn}, are indicated in Fig 3.