Figure 2.
Kinetics of PD-1 and LAG-3 surface expression following a multi-day α-GalCer iNKT cell activation and rest assay (n = 4). (A) Example of iNKT flow cytometry gating strategy. Surface LAG-3 expression defined as (B) proportion of parent population or (C) median fluorescent intensity (MFI), and PD-1 expression defined as (D) proportion of parent population or (E) MFI (left y-axis, red line) in relation to iNKT fold change (log2) (right y-axis, teal line) over the multi-day α-GalCer stimulation time course. Mean and 95% confidence intervals are represented at each timepoint for both datasets, with the mean represented as either circles (left y-axis) or squares (right y-axis). Raw data values are represented as smaller open dots. Paired two-tailed T-tests have been selected to highlight specific dataset trends (dashed teal line: right y-axis dataset; straight red line: left y-axis dataset), where p < 0.05 were considered significant (* < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001, ns: not significant).